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Hammerhead shark found dead after giving birth on beach in Ocean City

Posted by The OC Blog | Wednesday, June 24, 2015
A pair of Maryland vacationers came across a dead hammerhead shark that washed ashore onto Fenwick Island, but there's more to this shark tale. About twenty more - to be inexact. Not full-grown sharks but pups, according to witnesses who reported they saw the 10-foot shark giving birth after midnight... ...READ POST.

Joining O.C., Uber now open to vacationers in Delaware

Posted by The OC Blog | Monday, June 22, 2015
After expanding to Ocean City earlier this year, ride-sharing company Uber is now doing business in three Delaware beach towns. WDEL-FM reports the company announced Friday it's now offering its UberX service in Rehoboth Beach, Dewey Beach and Bethany Beach. In May, Uber began offering rides to... ...READ POST.

Summer's plan for playing in the sand

Posted by The OC Blog | Friday, June 19, 2015
Monica Rosen, Kathleen Coon and Karen L. von Hagel go to the beach often in the summer. But they have very different vacations. Coon, a 47-year-old Baltimore business manager, and her husband love meeting up with friends at the Starboard in Dewey Beach. Cracking crabs and boardwalk rides top the... ...READ POST.

Ocean City warns visitors, residents to inspect balconies

Posted by The OC Blog | Friday, June 19, 2015
Ocean City officials are urging owners of residences, hotels and other businesses to inspect all balconies, decks, guardrails and stairs for safety issues. The warning comes after the collapse of a balcony in Berkeley, Calif., led to the deaths of six students and seriously injured seven others... ...READ POST.

Ocean City warns visitors, residents to inspect balconies

Posted by The OC Blog | Friday, June 19, 2015
Ocean City officials are urging owners of residences, hotels and other businesses to inspect all balconies, decks, guardrails and stairs for safety issues. The warning comes after the collapse of a balcony in Berkeley, Calif., led to the deaths of six students and seriously injured seven others... ...READ POST.

New rules for performers on Ocean City boardwalk

Posted by The OC Blog | Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Street performers on Ocean City's boardwalk will now have to adhere to new rules due to the decision of the city council. WMDT-TV reports the council voted unanimously Monday with three new ordinances with hopes they will decongest the boardwalk and make it more enjoyable for all. The new ordinances... ...READ POST.

Glen Burnie man, 21, shot in Ocean City

Posted by The OC Blog | Wednesday, June 10, 2015
OCEAN CITY, Md. (AP) — Police are investigating a shooting that occurred in downtown Ocean City. Police say a 21-year-old man from Glen Burnie was shot in the buttocks early Wednesday after a confrontation near the intersection of 8th Street and Washington Lane. Police say the injured man made... ...READ POST.

Ocean City launches new 311 mobile app

Posted by The OC Blog | Thursday, June 04, 2015
Ocean City officials have realized that there's no hope for getting vacationers to unplug at the beach. So if you can't beat em, join em. In May, the city unveiled a partnership with Parkmobile, which allows users to pay for metered parking with just a tap on their smartphones. Now, the city is... ...READ POST.

O.C. weekend highlight: Ravens paint the sand purple

Posted by The OC Blog | Friday, May 29, 2015
It's Purple Friday in Ocean City today as football fans celebrate the Ravens all weekend at the beach. First, there's the Ravens Beach Bash, going now through Saturday at the Clarioon Resort Fontainebleu Hotel and beyond. Cheerleaders, players, mascots and more are on the scene for a weekend of... ...READ POST.

After dangerous season in 2014, Ocean City hoping for calm seas this summer

Posted by The OC Blog | Tuesday, May 26, 2015
It's the time of year when the sounds of crickets, lawn mowers and ice cream truck jingles fill the air. But at Peninsula Regional Medical Center in Salisbury, summer is marked by the whir of medevac helicopters."It's trauma season," said Kari Cheezum, the hospital's trauma program manager.Nearby... ...READ POST.

Free Family Fun: Outdoor Movie Schedules for Ocean City, Berlin, and Dewey

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, May 19, 2015
It’s no secret that we love any excuse to be outdoors, so when summertime rolls around we mark our calendars for the outdoor movies in Ocean City and Dewey Beach, taking full advantage of the FREE movies made available to residents and visitors alike all summer long. Simply bring a blanket or a beach chair, set up shop, and sit back and enjoy the show…all to the beautiful backdrop … READ MORE...READ POST.

Worcester County Humane Society Announces 2nd Annual ‘Pars for Paws’ Golf Tournament

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, May 18, 2015
The Worcester County Humane Society proudly announced this week that they would be holding the 2nd Annual Worcester County Humane Society Golf Tournament Thursday, May 28 at Eagles Landing Golf Course. The annual Pars for Paws tournament is another terrific opportunity for community members to contribute to our local, no-kill shelter. ALL of the money raised goes directly to the care of the animals at the Worcester County Humane … READ MORE...READ POST.

Best Burgers on the Shore

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, May 15, 2015
A few of our favorite area restaurants were honored earlier this week when they received accolades from Thrillist for serving the ‘Best Burgers in Maryland.’ We love seeing local restaurants being recognized for their culinary prowess, especially in state-wide roundups where the Eastern Shore is often (unfairly) overlooked. We decided to join in on the fun, and add a few more Eastern Shore favorites to the mix! Note: We … READ MORE...READ POST.

SuperFun Eco Tours Partners with Maryland Coastal Bays to Bring New Concession and Rental Options to Assateague Island

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, May 14, 2015
We took a short drive out to Assateague Island National Seashore this week and stepped inside a collection of decade-old shipping containers for our latest interview. Intrigued? Yes, so were we. Housing the soon-to-be-open-for-business Assateague Outfitters, the upcycled building is comprised of three shipping containers and outfitted with re-purposed materials. The building will serve as a hub of operations for Super Fun Eco Tours, but will also be the … READ MORE...READ POST.

ShoreBilly’s Swill: More ‘Growing Up My Way’

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, May 14, 2015
A little while back, I started writing a piece titled “Growing Up My Way”. It’s essentially a summary of examples illustrating the snail-like pace of my emotional maturation and my sometimes less than conventional parenting techniques. Every time I think I’m through, I find more examples that just beg to be shared with you. One such example happened about three weeks ago. It’s now spring and that means certain … READ MORE...READ POST.

Weekend Happenings: Burley Benefest, Cruisers, Somerset Strawberry Festival and More!

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Hello sweet weekend! Well, almost. It’s time to start thinking about your weekend plans at least, and as always, we are presenting you with an eclectic mix of events to enjoy across Delmarva, from Cambridge to Rehoboth and everywhere in between. From classic cars in Ocean City and Berlin, to a night of camping at the Salisbury Zoo with the kids, to amazing shopping deals in Dewey and Rehoboth, … READ MORE...READ POST.

Hoop Tea Delivering ‘Summer in a Jar’ to OCMD

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Oh sweet, sweet summer. If you’re anything like us, you spend all year looking forward to summer and all summer completely wearing yourself out trying to enjoy every minute of it. Long afternoons on the beach, happy hour sunsets, poolbar hopping, warm evenings on the front porch…it really doesn’t get much better than summer on the Eastern Shore. Which is why when we heard the news that our friends … READ MORE...READ POST.

Local Fundraiser Aims to Raise Money for Families of Fallen Police Officers

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, May 13, 2015
For this week’s feel-good-story, we thought we would throw some support in-house, shedding light on a fundraiser that one of our staff members is currently holding in an effort to raise awareness and support for the Maryland Chapter of COPS – Concerns of Police Survivors. “I know many people are not pleased with the police these days, but I am not focusing on the police but rather on the … READ MORE...READ POST.

Tickets Now on Sale for the 11th Annual Taste of Cambridge Crab Cook-Off

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Tickets for this year’s 11th Annual Taste of Cambridge Crab Cook-Off are on sale now, and after selling out each of the last two years, Cambridge Main Street executive director Brandon Hesson is suggesting local residents get their tickets soner rather than later. This year, Taste of Cambridge will take place on July 11 form 5-10 p.m. “Some of these restaurants literally come in with a lifetime of experience … READ MORE...READ POST.

Burley Oak to Hold ‘Burley Build Benefest’ for Habitat for Humanity, Saturday May 16

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, May 08, 2015
Let’s recap two things that we absolutely love here at ShoreBread. The first is supporting locally owned and operated Eastern Shore businesses. The second is the incredible amount of support our local community gives to fundraising efforts. When those forces combine into a ‘benefestival’ hosted by local businesses…in one of our favorite small towns…to support an amazing local non-profit…well that is absolute perfection. Enter, the Burley Build Benefest. Burley...READ POST.

Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce Announces Wicomico County Fair

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, May 08, 2015
We love hearing of new events and festivals on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, Delaware and Virginia (not as much as well love attending them of course), so we were thrilled this week when the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce announced a new upcoming summer event – the Wicomico County Fair! The Wicomico County Fair will take place August 14th, 15th and 16th at Winterplace Park in Salisbury. The … READ MORE...READ POST.

15 Delaware Restaurants Team Up to Raise Funds for Nepal Earthquake Victims

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, May 07, 2015
The tragedy and disaster surrounding the earthquake in Nepal is still mounting, as the process of taking stock, rebuilding, and healing as a country begins. Nearly 8,000 people were killed, with many more left homeless, jobless, or with no school to attend as 24,000 classrooms were left damaged or destroyed in the 7.8 magnitude quake. The effects are far reaching and will likely be long-lasting as the country begins … READ MORE...READ POST.

ShoreBilly’s Swill: Happy Mother’s Day!

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, May 07, 2015
This weekend marks what I believe to be the most important holiday of the year. Now, I know I used similar verbiage to describe Pork in the Park a few weeks back, but this time I’m serious. The holiday I’m referring to of course is Mother’s Day. In fact, if it were up to me, we’d completely eliminate almost all holidays and keep only Mother’s Day, Independence Day, Veteran’s … READ MORE...READ POST.

Weekend Happenings: May Day Play Day, Springfest & Cambridge Beer Festival Round Out Your Weekend Fun

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, May 06, 2015
The pollen may be thick in the air but that won’t keep us from enjoying every second of this beautiful springtime weather. The Eastern Shore is known for unpredictable weather patterns, particularly in the spring months, so the run of warm and sunny weather we’ve been experiencing is intoxicating, to say the least. What’s more, the weekend looks to be warm and sunny as well, and with so many … READ MORE...READ POST.

Best Of: Mother’s Day Dining in Salisbury, Ocean City, Fenwick and Berlin

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, May 05, 2015
Mother’s Day is rapidly approaching, which means it’s imperative that you start making those Mother’s Day plans. Moms give selflessly all year long and there’s no better way to show her how much you appreciate her hard work than by treating her to a fabulous meal out (filled with flowers and gifts too of course). Fortunately, there are any number of excellent places to take your mom for brunch … READ MORE...READ POST.

Brown Box Theatre Project Returns to Ocean City to Present ‘Boxer Shorts’

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, May 05, 2015
The Brown Box Theatre Project returns to the Eastern Shore, with performances slated for this weekend in Ocean City, MD. The latest performance from our Boston-based friends is titled, Boxer Shorts, and includes four short plays. You probably recognize Brown Box from their annual Free Shakespeare at the Beach performances that are held in several towns across Delmarva at the end of each summer. The theatre group has also … READ MORE...READ POST.

Liquid Assets Presents New Off-Premise Catering: L.A. on Location

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, May 04, 2015
We give nod to the food and ambiance at Liquid Assets fairly often…and for good reason. The 94th Street Ocean City mainstay has an incredible following, thanks in large part to their reputation for farm-fresh-food and inventive menu offerings, but also for the stellar service and welcoming atmosphere. The Liquid Assets team celebrated the unveiling of their latest venture this week with a ribbon cutting for their new off-premise … READ MORE...READ POST.

Ocean City Center for the Arts Celebrates Spring in the Month of May with Special Flower-Related Events

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, May 04, 2015
OCEAN CITY, MD — May 3, 2015 — The theme for May at the Ocean City Center for the Arts is “Art in Bloom,” and the month is filled with exhibits, classes and demonstrations relating to flowers. The featured exhibition for the month is the “Art in Bloom” group show by the Art League of Ocean City featuring flower-themed paintings, drawings and other 2D artwork. The show runs through … READ MORE...READ POST.

Best Of: Cinco de Mayo Feasts on Delmarva

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, May 01, 2015
The month of May brings many wonderful excuses for culinary celebrations…Mother’s Day brunches, Memorial Day Weekend BBQ’s, Cinco de Mayo feasts. You’ve probably realized by now that we love any excuse for a culinary excursion, and Cinco de Mayo is no exception. Historically speaking, Cinco de Mayo marks the Mexican victory over the French army during the Battle of Puebla in 1862. Today, as is the case with most … READ MORE...READ POST.

ShoreBilly’s Swill: The Annual Pilgrimage

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, April 30, 2015
This past weekend was my absolute favorite holiday of the year. Well, I guess technically it’s not really a holiday per say. At least most people don’t recognize it as such even though I think they should. But to me, it’s Father’s Day, my birthday, Christmas, and the opening week of a new NFL season all rolled up into one. It’s the event that I begin eagerly looking forward … READ MORE...READ POST.

May Happenings: Spring is in Full Swing on Delmarva with Events, Festivals and Fundraisers

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, April 29, 2015
April showers lead to May flowers…or in this case, a beautiful bouquet of May events on Delmarva! From Ocean City to Salisbury, Rehoboth to St. Michaels, Eastern Shore towns are celebrating warm weather with outdoor events activities, including half-marathons, beer festivals, concerts, sidewalk sales and much, much more. Keep reading for all the Delmarvalous happenings… 1st Saturday in Downtown Salisbury When: Saturday, May 2, 4-7pm Where: Downtown Salisbury What: … READ MORE...READ POST.

Day Trippin': Adventures in Chincoteague, VA

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Chincoteague narrowly missed nabbing the honors for America’s Coolest Small Town this year, placing 2nd in the national contest. Nonetheless, we still think Chincoteague is pretty cool in it’s own right. The island town packs historic charm, beach vibes, grand views of the bay and the ocean, and plenty of local flavor. We made the short trek south to the Eastern Shore of Virginia last Friday for a day … READ MORE...READ POST.

Run Across Maryland Campaign to Partner with Limbs for Life in 390 Mile Run to OCMD

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, April 28, 2015
At ShoreBread, we have always made the conscious effort to leave the heavy journalistic reporting to our local news outlets, but that doesn’t mean we stick solely to the ‘fluff’ pieces. Our mission has always been to present our readers with positive stories based on coastal life here on Delmarva, including inspirational stories and fundraising efforts. We were recently  tuned in to an inspiring cause that we couldn’t resist … READ MORE...READ POST.

Spiced Up Fun at the 9th Annual Bloody Mary Contest

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, April 27, 2015
Sunday Bloody Sunday…yep, that about sums up yesterday’s event at Smitty McGee’s. Smitty’s was the proud host of the Ocean 98.1 9th Annual Bloody Mary Contest this past Sunday, inviting the masses into their establishment for three hours of Bloody Mary tastings. Needless to say, the crowd was massive and with upwards of 20 competitors, things heated up quickly. Every year Ocean 98 puts on their Bloody Mary contest, … READ MORE...READ POST.

Highlights from the 19th Annual Boardwalkin’ for Pets

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, April 27, 2015
It was a cold and windy morning on the Ocean City Boardwalk Saturday but that didn’t prevent another fantastic turnout for the Worcester County Humane Society’s Annual Boardwalkin’ for Pets event! Dogs and their owners were seen proudly parading up and down the Boardwalk, with many donning their finest attire for the costume contest. Awards were given for Largest Dog, Smallest Dog, Best Trick and Best Dressed. Cats were … READ MORE...READ POST.

ShoreBilly’s Swill: Upper Left Quadrant

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, April 24, 2015
I had very different plans for this week’s column, but once again, my life happened. My thought process was T-boned by my perpetual and unique string of luck at the intersection of Well Planned and Why Me. Now, as is often the case, I find myself posed with the daunting task of taking something shitty that happened to me and making it funny for you. If the history of … READ MORE...READ POST.

Celebrate the History of Berlin at the Berlin Heritage Festival this Saturday

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, April 23, 2015
The Town of Berlin is no stranger to Main Street celebrations. Already this year we’ve seen the Cool Berlin Party and the Spring Celebration, with many more to come over the next few months. Up next is the Berlin Heritage Festival, which aims to celebrate the town’s rich heritage. The event comes in conjunction with the 120th Anniversary of The Atlantic Hotel, serving as the perfect excuse for the … READ MORE...READ POST.

First Female Blue Angels Pilot to Perform at 2015 OC Air Show

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, April 23, 2015
We were pretty thrilled when we heard that the Blue Angels would be soaring over Ocean City during this year’s OC Air Show, but that news has been surpassed by the announcement that the FIRST female Blue Angels pilot will also be participating in the show. A press release this week revealed that Marine Captain Katie Higgins would be flying in the 2015 OC Air Show, which will be … READ MORE...READ POST.

Birders Head to the Eastern Shore for the 20th Annual Delmarva Birding Weekend

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, April 23, 2015
Today marks the beginning of the 20th Annual Delmarva Birding Weekend. Touted as one of the most popular birding events in the region, the four-day schedule combines boat trips, paddling treks, and expeditions by foot, all in an effort to help birds by promoting bird and habitat conservation. The event also serves as a celebration of the spring migration of thousands of warblers, shorebirds, waterfowl and raptors. From April … READ MORE...READ POST.

Weekend Happenings: Pork in the Park, Chincoteague Brew ‘n’ Que, Boardwalkin’ for Pets and More!

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, April 22, 2015
We’ve been eying up this weekend on our calendar for well over a month now. Why you ask? Because there is SO much happening! From Friday to Sunday, we’ll be hitting the streets, the festival grounds, the beach and the boards to snap photos and attend as many events as possible, so stay tuned for plenty of fun photos from us on our website and Facebook and Instagram. In … READ MORE...READ POST.

Earth Day on the Eastern Shore

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, April 22, 2015
“The ultimate test of a man’s conscience may be his willingness to sacrifice something today for the future generations whose words of thanks will not be heard.” – Gaylord Nelson , Co-Founder, Earth Day Each year, April 22 marks Earth Day and the anniversary celebration of the spark of the modern environmental movement in 1970. Earth Day was born in 1970 after founder Gaylord Nelson (then a US Senator … READ MORE...READ POST.

Ocean City and Berlin Seeing New and Expanding Restaurants this Spring

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Spring marks many new beginnings as Mother Nature bids the cold, barren winter farewell. Locals return from their wintertime travels or from their hibernation hideouts, crowds of area visitors grow, and weekend events and festivals blossom. We’ve noticed a major trend in and around Ocean City this spring, and it’s one that we are welcoming with open arms – new businesses! Over the winter we kept hearing rumor after … READ MORE...READ POST.

Chincoteague Welcomes New BBQ & Beer Event, Saltwater Brew ‘N’ Que, this Weekend

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, April 20, 2015
What’s not to love about Chincoteague?? Small town pride, outstanding events, great dining and shopping options, scenic beauty…there’s a little something for everyone to enjoy in Chincoteague, including their upcoming Saltwater Brew ‘N’ Que, which is set to debut this weekend. The weekend event boasts a barbeque cook-off, beer tasting, cars on display, live music, and family attractions. The Saltwater Brew ‘N’ Que will take place this Friday, April...READ POST.

Ocean City Restaurant Week Returns; April 19-May 3

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, April 20, 2015
It’s a big week on Delmarva, as we gear up for a weekend filled with some of our favorite springtime events including Boardwalkin’ for Pets, Berlin’s Heritage Festival, Oxford Day, Pork in the Park, and St. Michaels Winefest, to name a few. Of course we would never overlook one of our favorite culinary events of the year, Ocean City’s Spring Restaurant Week! The deals actually last for two weeks … READ MORE...READ POST.

Rylie’s Smile Foundation Aims to Help Alleviate Stress for Sick Children

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, April 17, 2015
For parents, there is no greater pain in the world than watching your child suffer. Your first instinct is to help them in whatever way possible. For the Maedler family, when their daughter, Rylie, was undergoing round after round of testing for a tumor, they looked for any possible way to alleviate her stress and suffering. The reprieve came in the form of an iPod Touch: “That iPod Touch … READ MORE...READ POST.

Shmagel’s Bagels, TCBY to Open in front of Rt. 50 Walmart; 2nd Bagel Shop Eyed for 33rd St. in OCMD

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, April 17, 2015
After what has seemed like an eternity for locals, the empty spaces in front Walmart and Home Depot along Route 50 are finally coming to life as businesses start to move in. First, we saw Piaza launch their grand opening to long lines of eager customers, proving that locals and visitors to the area are ready for some new dining options. We were thrilled of course when we heard … READ MORE...READ POST.

ShoreBilly’s Swill: Growing Up My Way, Part II

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, April 16, 2015
A few weeks ago I started writing the first part of this piece. This one is essentially telling you about the snail-like pace of my emotional maturation, and my less than conventional parenting techniques. This could potentially be an ongoing piece, as I realized while writing Part 1 just how many examples there are. I also realized how many of these examples involve bodily functions. Being a bartender in … READ MORE...READ POST.

Weekend Happenings: Race for the Cure, Barks in the Forest, Cool Berlin and More!

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, April 16, 2015
The weekend weather forecast is looking bright! Sunshine and warm weather is on the horizon, and just in time for a fantastic lineup of weekend events here on Delmarva. Berlin, Pocomoke, Snow Hill, Salisbury, Ocean City…all of our local towns are celebrating spring with outdoor events and fundraisers. Check them out now and start planning your weekend before it passes you by: Paint Snow Hill When: April 16-April 19 … READ MORE...READ POST.

Redefining Education: Worcester Technical High School

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, April 15, 2015
“The old concept of the vocational school…it’s not a useful concept anymore,” asserts Worcester Technical High School Principal Caroline Bloxom as we embark on our tour of the school. Just a few minutes into the tour and we could already tell that the team, students, and facilities at Worcester Technical High School (WTHS) would be effectively debunking any preconceived notions we had of the stereotypical vo-tech school. With an … READ MORE...READ POST.

Susan G. Komen Maryland 4th Annual Ocean City Race for the Cure to Turn the Town Pink this Weekend

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Spring is the the air, with flowers in bloom and bright colors finally returning to the Eastern Shore landscape. The color pink will be in full force on the Ocean City boardwalk this weekend as a sea of pink moves its way through the town for the 4th Annual Ocean City Race for the Cure. In addition to race day on Sunday, April 19, there is an entire weekend … READ MORE...READ POST.

Tony Luke’s to Open on 33rd Street in Ocean City

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, April 14, 2015
When we heard rumors of a Tony Luke’s coming to OCMD, we decided to do a little investigating before our interview with owner Mo Salem. A little sleuthing uncovered a Rachel Ray clip in which she extols Tony Luke’s for having “the best pork sandwich on planet Earth!” Ok, our interests were officially piqued. “They started with their cheesteaks, but everything is good,” said Salem of the rapidly growing … READ MORE...READ POST.

Pork in the Park Returns to Salisbury’s Winterplace Park April 24 & 25

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, April 13, 2015
The sun is shining, the flowers are blooming, and the Eastern Shore is coming alive with local events, festivals, and fundraisers. We love any excuse to get outside this time of year – especially when it’s for a fun-filled event. In case you haven’t noticed from our round-up of April happenings, our calendars are overflowing with events to attend over the next few weeks. One event that we are … READ MORE...READ POST.

Insider’s Look at Roller Derby: Salisbury Roller Girls

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, April 10, 2015
When asked what her favorite aspect is of competing with the Salisbury Roller Girls, Street Team Director Caitlin Marvel didn’t have to think twice before launching into her sincere passion for the game. “…the love of the derby. There’s music, wheels clattering against wood, toe stops squealing, people falling, jumping and running on wheels – it is a ceaseless flood of brilliantly organized chaos, and that really brings the … READ MORE...READ POST.

Weekend Happenings: Lewes Tulip Festival, Dewey Bacon Fest, OC Bridal Show and More!

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, April 09, 2015
The weekend is upon us, and after a few days of cold, dreary rain, we are looking forward to the brighter weather forecast and the terrific lineup of springtime events happening this weekend. The Tulip Festival in Lewes, Bacon Fest in Dewey, 2nd Saturday in Cambridge, OC Bridal Show in Ocean City…there are events happening all over Delmarva this weekend. Check them out here: Backyard Habitat: Create a Wetland … READ MORE...READ POST.

Local Man Looking to the Community for Kidney Donor Match

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, April 08, 2015
At ShoreBread, we place a high value on the importance of community. If you are a regular follower of our online publication, then you know we try to share updates on fundraisers throughout the community, along with any stories that can help those in need. This week, the story hits a little closer to home as we share news of a close friend in need of a new kidney. … READ MORE...READ POST.

Local Man Looking to the Community for Kidney Donor Match

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, April 08, 2015
At ShoreBread, we place a high value on the importance of community. If you are a regular follower of our online publication, then you know we try to share updates on fundraisers throughout the community, along with any stories that can help those in need. This week, the story hits a little closer to home as we share news of a close friend in need of a new kidney. … READ MORE...READ POST.

Piaza Opens Up Shop, Touting Fresh, Quality Ingredients, Rustic Pizzas, Massive Salads and More

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, April 08, 2015
“It’s going to have some big bubbles, some uneven crust, but that’s what the definition of rustic is. And once they try it, people love it.” Owner David Crocetti isn’t short on enthusiasm when it comes to his latest venture – Piaza. Piaza opened its doors last week to big crowds and long lines of eager customers ready to get their hands on the brick oven pizzas, overstuffed piadas, … READ MORE...READ POST.

Exploring the Shore: Great Oak Manor in Chestertown, MD

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, April 07, 2015
Spring inspires us to adventure more and explore all that the Eastern Shore has to offer…and believe us when we say there is SO much to explore. Just when we think we’ve uncovered every park, attraction,  and quaint hideaway, we stumble upon another! Our most recent discovery is situated on the upper part of the Eastern Shore in Chestertown, MD – Great Oak Manor. A historic bed & breakfast … READ MORE...READ POST.

Oxford’s Combsberry Inn to Hold Cooking Retreat, May 15-17

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, April 03, 2015
Foodies, this one is for you! We’re glorified foodies here at ShoreBread so whenever a cooking event comes across our radar we are eager to share. Our friends at the Combsberry Inn in Oxford, MD are partnering with renowned chef Todd Mohr next month for a private cooking retreat. A weekend getaway combining a unique culinary experience in a beautiful Eastern Shore setting? Sign us up! The cooking retreat, … READ MORE...READ POST.

Shorebilly’s Swill: Easter Memories

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, April 03, 2015
This week’s disclaimer comes at the beginning of Syd’s story, and isn’t really a disclaimer so much as a fair warning. This is indeed a memory of Easter. And it does in fact deal with a fluffy creature. However, be forewarned those who are squeamish—you will never look at synthetic Easter grass the same. Wherever possible, I try to keep up with the holidays and seasons and write articles … READ MORE...READ POST.

Behind the Wheel at Jolly Roger Speedworld’s Latest Attraction: Cyclone Cart Coaster

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, April 02, 2015
The sun is shining, spring has finally arrived, and summer is becoming more of a reality than a distant wintertime dream. Businesses are opening up once again, debuting new menus, specials, renovations and attractions. The team at Jolly Roger Speedworld has been hard at work over the past several months, building the world’s first cart coaster! What’s a cart coaster you ask? Well, for starters, 78 pilings, 83,000 stainless … READ MORE...READ POST.

Planet Maze Celebrates 20 Years of Business in Ocean City

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, April 01, 2015
We often hear tourists (and even locals) asking for kid-friendly activities to enjoy in Ocean City during the colder winter months or on rainy summer days. Our first answer is typically Planet Maze. With a power-combo of their climbing maze and laser tag, it’s the perfect place to take restless kids for some indoor fun. For those warm and sunny days, there’s also the third section, the Lost Galaxy … READ MORE...READ POST.

Just One Month Until the 16th Annual Boardwalkin’ for Pets!

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, April 01, 2015
It’s time to mark your calendars for the 16th Annual Boardwalkin’ for Pets in Ocean City, MD! We are pet lovers through and through here at ShoreBread, with a deep passion for our local Humane Societies across Maryland and Delaware. We are avid supporters of pet adoption, and as such, try to throw our support to as many Humane Society and adoption-related events that we can. The Worcester County … READ MORE...READ POST.

April Happenings: Spring has Officially Sprung on Delmarva with Fantastic Events and Festivals

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Well hello there spring, it sure is nice to see you again!! It’s safe to say we are all ecstatic to see April, springtime, and warm weather making their magnificent debut here on the Eastern Shore. This winter was a rough one on Delmarva and while we have enjoyed the winter events, we are 100 percent ready for all that spring has to offer…particularly all the outdoor events and … READ MORE...READ POST.

Behind the Scenes at the Ocean City House of Rock

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, March 30, 2015
When we heard rumors of a new (refurbished is the more accurate word) music venue in West Ocean City, we were quick to start investigating exactly what was happening at the ‘OC House of Rock.’ The rumor mill proved correct this time around, and we were thrilled to find that Trader Lee’s has transformed their music venue with a well-purposed face lift and a major push to create a … READ MORE...READ POST.

Full Moon Saloon Opens, Bringing Eastern Shore Flavor and a Family Atmosphere to West Ocean City

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, March 30, 2015
The West Ocean City restaurant and bar scene seems to be ever-expanding, with several new additions already popping up in 2015. What we really love is that each new business seems to be offering something different. We stopped in the Full Moon Saloon recently (formerly Station 7 on 707 in WOC) to have a peak at the menu and to chat with the owners about what to expect from … READ MORE...READ POST.

Easter Brunch and Dinner Specials in Ocean City, MD

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, March 27, 2015
It’s hard to imagine hunting for Easter eggs and sitting down to a delicious Easter Day feast as we write this post since the current temperatures outside are lending heavily towards winter rather than spring, but nonetheless, it is in fact spring and Easter is next weekend! We’ve already compiled a list of Easter Egg Hunts and Spring Celebrations across Delmarva, but let’s switch gears and focus on Easter … READ MORE...READ POST.

ShoreBilly’s Swill: Growing Up My Way

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, March 26, 2015
I recently celebrated my 45th birthday. Well, maybe celebrate is the wrong choice of word. I’ve never really been a big proponent or advocate of birthdays. Even when I was younger, I never really celebrated my own birthday with the vigor and enthusiasm that most do. I always thought of it more as my Mother’s day anyway. After all, she did all the work. All I did was show … READ MORE...READ POST.

Dough Roller Expands, Opening Up Shop Across the Delaware State Line in Downtown Rehoboth

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, March 26, 2015
For over 30 years, The Dough Roller has been an Ocean City mainstay, serving thousands of families – be it locals or tourists – with their hand tossed pizzas, massive breakfasts, overstuffed subs and grinders, Italian dinners, and kid-friendly dining. Now, the family owned and operated business is setting up shop in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, opening this week in Downtown Rehoboth just steps from the Boardwalk. We sat down … READ MORE...READ POST.

Volunteer Opportunity for 4th Annual Ocean City Race for the Cure

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, March 26, 2015
The 4th Annual Komen Maryland Ocean City Race for the Cure is just a few weeks away here on Delmarva, but there is still plenty of time to make your plans to attend, or better yet, help out as a volunteer! The 4th Annual Komen Maryland Race, held each year in OCMD, will be held Sunday, April 19. Support and donations garnered from the event will go towards breast … READ MORE...READ POST.

Backstage with Haleytown: Ocean City’s Only Country Band Opens Up

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, March 26, 2015
As a resort town, Ocean City certainly isn’t short on live music. On any given night there is an eclectic mix of tunes floating out of the local watering holes, from bluegrass to punk to rock to reggae. Yet despite our musical musings here on the Shore, and despite the predominance of country music lovers, Ocean City has been notably devoid of a solid, country music band. That is … READ MORE...READ POST.

Fenwick Wine Cellars Partners with Delaware Distilling Company for Unveiling Brunch

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Fenwick Wine Cellars invites you to join them for their ‘I love you to the moon and back’ Unveiling  Brunch this Sunday, March 29. Reservations start promptly at 10:30am or 11:30am. Fenwick Wine Cellars holds a wide variety of events throughout the year, showcasing their unique selection of wines and wine related gifts. According to General Manager Katie Duke, the goal for their events is to educate the customers … READ MORE...READ POST.

Happy Maryland Day!

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, March 25, 2015
ICYMI, it’s Maryland Day! Held each year on March 25, Maryland Day commemorates March 25, 1634 when settlers stepped onto Maryland soil from two small sailing ships. We wear our Maryland pride loudly and proudly, so any excuse to celebrate our beloved state is welcome here at ShoreBread. We decided to mark the occasion with Ten Random but Awesome Maryland Facts for Maryland Day (yeah…it’s a working title): 1.Poe … READ MORE...READ POST.

West OC Italian Restaurant & Bar, Sello’s, to Open Next Month

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, March 24, 2015
We were pretty excited last week when we ventured out on an unseasonably cold and rainy Friday to take a sneak peak at what was formerly Avery Gallery in West Ocean City. Walking into a work in progress, we quickly found that it was hard to even remember the look of the space that was formerly an explosion of purple; instead, we were met with the final stages of … READ MORE...READ POST.

Easter Egg Hunts and Spring Celebrations Across Delmarva

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, March 20, 2015
It feels a little odd to be celebrating Easter so early this year, but perhaps all of the spring and Easter celebrations that are scheduled across Delmarva will incite Mother Nature to turn up the heat and bring out the sunshine. After all, no one likes a cold and rainy Easter egg hunt! Salisbury, Lewes, Rehoboth, Bethany, Ocean City, Berlin, Pocomoke, Snow Hill…they’re all welcoming spring with a fantastic … READ MORE...READ POST.

ShoreBilly’s Swill: Not Bothering Me. Any More.

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, March 19, 2015
I can comfortably say that I got through St. Pat’s weekend with no casualties and with as little hatred as possible. Don’t get me wrong, there were multiple idiots that I genuinely wanted to choke out, but by the standards of that particular day it was relatively painless. I’ve made no secret of my disdain for the holiday, but I’m not going to let it bother me any more. … READ MORE...READ POST.

Weekend Happenings: Welcoming Spring on Delmarva

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, March 18, 2015
It feels pretty good to be saying goodbye to winter and hello to spring! Winter had some high points here on Delmarva, with plenty of fun-filled events, but we’re ready for some spring-centric events, and this weekend is our first taste! Spring cleanups, adult Easter egg hunts, 3rd Friday in Downtown Salisbury, the annual Home, Condo & Outdoor Garden show…take a look at some of the area events happening … READ MORE...READ POST.

Headquarters Live Heats Up the Music Scene in Downtown Salisbury

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, March 17, 2015
In case you haven’t noticed, we have found ourselves gravitating towards Downtown Salisbury more and more lately. It’s no secret that the revitalization of Downtown Salisbury has been a slow, slightly arduous process, but nonetheless, progress is certainly happening! It seems like every time we turn around there is a new addition to the downtown scene…case in point, Headquarters Live. We sat down with owner Joey Gilkerson this week, … READ MORE...READ POST.

Forget St. Practice Day, It’s Time for St. Patrick’s Day on Delmarva!

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, March 16, 2015
As disappointing as it was to have the annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade in OCMD canceled, we didn’t let the rain stop us Saturday. We pushed on, stopping in local businesses to join in the fun. Many people consider the Saturday before St. Patrick’s Day to be St. Practice Day, with the real fun reserved for the actual holiday. This year, St. Patrick’s Day falls on a Tuesday, which … READ MORE...READ POST.

What’s Happening in Downtown Salisbury and Historic Downtown Berlin?

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, March 16, 2015
On a warm afternoon last week, we decided to take advantage of the nice weather and take stroll through Downtown Salisbury and Downtown Berlin. It seems like every time we turn around there is a new business popping up in Berlin or Salisbury, and we couldn’t be more thrilled! Take a look at some of our recent finds and stay tuned for upcoming articles and interviews:...READ POST.

Art League of Ocean City Honors Corporate Partners at April Show, Opening Reception April 10

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, March 16, 2015
OCEAN CITY, MD — March 14, 2015 — As a nonprofit organization, the Art League of Ocean City depends on partnerships with regional businesses to keep the doors of the Ocean City Center for the Arts open and its community outreach programs going. To honor and thank the businesses that have provided support, the April show at the Arts Center will honor corporate partnerships. The Corporate Partners Show runs … READ MORE...READ POST.

Day Trippin’ – Life of the Marsh Trail at Assateague

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, March 16, 2015
The official start to spring is just a few days away! It’s the perfect time to start planning outdoor activities across Delmarva, including a trip to the Life of the Marsh Trail at Assateague:    ...READ POST.

ShoreBilly’s Swill: A Bartender’s Perspective on St. Patrick’s Day

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, March 13, 2015
I’m guessing that last week’s piece didn’t end quite the way you all were expecting it to. I’m not going to belabor you with another full column about my slip on the ice because I have a lot of subject matter to cover this week. I will however bring you up to speed on how it went at the doctor. I did in fact  break three ribs, the severity … READ MORE...READ POST.

Annual Eagle Festival Returns to the Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge Saturday…Rain or Shine!

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, March 12, 2015
We admittedly don’t pay homage enough to the Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge. Being located just a stone’s throw from Assateague Island National Seashore, we tend to head to Assateague more often than Blackwater, but the upcoming Eagle Festival at the NWR has us planning a trip for the near future. With spring on the way, we can’t think of a better excuse to get outdoors and enjoy our natural … READ MORE...READ POST.

Weekend Shenanigans: St. Patrick’s Day Arrives Early on Delmarva

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, March 11, 2015
We’ve given a fair amount of coverage to the St. Patrick’s Day Parade and post-parade festivities happening in Ocean City this weekend, but if you aren’t going to be in OCMD this weekend, there are still plenty of St. Paddy’s Day events happening across Delmarva, including in Cambridge, Salisbury and Lewes. Cape May Lewes Ferry Presents Ferry Go Bragh The Cape May-Lewes Ferry is featuring a special ‘Ferry Go … READ MORE...READ POST.

Berlin’s 2nd Friday Art Stroll to Feature Student Artists

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Each month, we head to Historic Downtown Berlin for their 2nd Friday Art Stroll. The monthly gathering includes a wide assortment of artists, locally crafted goods, live entertainment, food and drinks specials, and of course, the charm of spending an evening in Downtown Berlin. Businesses throughout downtown participate, showcasing a different artist, artisan, or musician each month. This month, Berlin Arts & Entertainment is offering up a special treat, … READ MORE...READ POST.

Best Of: Where to Go After the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in OCMD

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Ocean City is gearing up for one of the most festive events of the year, the St. Patrick’s Day Parade! We’ve heard it referred to as “the locals New Year’s” and in our opinion, that couldn’t be more fitting. Locals find themselves hibernating or traveling during the winter months in OCMD, particularly during winters that were as abysmal as this one was. Spring is a BIG deal for those … READ MORE...READ POST.

Bethany Beach Books Introduces New Book Subscription Program

Posted by Shorebread | Sunday, March 08, 2015
At ShoreBread, we are book lovers through and through. The only thing we love more than discovering a great new read is discovering a great new read while shopping at a local, independent book store. Sure Barnes and Noble and Amazon have their perks, but there is nothing quite as wonderful as shopping locally for books, talking to the informative staff, or having a neighborhood book store to frequent. … READ MORE...READ POST.

St. Patrick’s Day Parade Returns to OCMD Saturday, March 14

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, March 06, 2015
Be gone snow! Be gone! We’re ready for old man winter to pack up and leave town. It’s been fun hibernating, but at this point we need sunshine, warmer temperatures (we’ll settle for 50 degrees at this point!), and some good old-fashioned springtime fun in OCMD. The good news is one of our favorite events is just around the corner…Ocean City’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade! We love this event … READ MORE...READ POST.

Top Ten Things We’re Looking Forward to on Delmarva this Spring

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, March 05, 2015
It’s hard to believe that spring is just around the corner. As we write this post, the temperatures outside are plummeting back into the teens and snow is slowly creeping across Delmarva. Then again, anyone who lives on the Eastern Shore knows that our winter and springtime weather is erratic at best. Warm one day, snowing the next. Such is the Delmarvalous life. We’ve decided to battle those end-of-winter … READ MORE...READ POST.

ShoreBilly’s Swill: A Slip on the Ice, Part II

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, March 04, 2015
When we finished last week, I had worked an uneventful Friday evening, took a spill on the ice walking to my car, and was about to go to bed in a lot of pain. I’ll now pick up the story right where we left off. I woke Saturday morning very sore, but with every intention of going to work that night. My wife was working all day at the … READ MORE...READ POST.

Hone Your Sweet Tooth for the 25th Annual Rehoboth Chocolate Festival

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, March 04, 2015
Mmmmm chocolate (cue excessive drooling). The Rehoboth Beach Chocolate Festival returns this weekend, which means sinfully delicious chocolate treats will be at our disposal, and with an impending winter storm tomorrow, it’s safe to say we will be more than ready to escape the house Saturday for a chocolate excursion in Rehoboth Beach, DE. It’s the 25th year for the annual Chocolate Festival, and if you’ve never been before, … READ MORE...READ POST.

Tall Orders to Fill and Craft Beer to Brew at Tall Tales Brewing Company in Parsonsburg

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, March 03, 2015
Over the past few years, there has been a notable shift in the beer scene. For the most part, the term ‘craft beer’ was a relative newcomer to our local bar scene, with the words “locally crafted” being virtually non-existent on the shore with the exception of Delaware-based Dogfish Head. Over the past five years that scenario has changed dramatically, with local brewpubs and breweries popping up all over … READ MORE...READ POST.

Fundraiser Aims to Help Local Woman Reach Bucket List Goals

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, March 03, 2015
March is chocked full of fun events, from the St. Patrick’s Day parade in Ocean City to the annual BrewGrass event at Fager’s Island. In between it all, we’ve got our eye on an amazing fundraiser…and we hope to see you all there! Locals, friends, and family will gather at The Greene Turtle on 116th Street Thursday, March 12 from 6-10pm to help raise money to send local Heather … READ MORE...READ POST.

March Happenings: St. Patrick’s Day Parades, SBY Restaurant Week, Rehoboth Chocolate Festival and More for Springtime Fun on the Shore!

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, February 27, 2015
There are three things that we really, really LOVE about the month of March. The first is daylight savings time and putting the clocks forward. The extra hour of sunlight at the end of the day is a welcome reprieve after a winter full of long, dark nights. The second thing we love about March…SPRING!! One of our favorite things about living in an area with changing seasons is … READ MORE...READ POST.

ShoreBilly’s Swill: A Slip on the Ice

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, February 27, 2015
Let me start this week by going back to last week’s column. I just wanted to make it known that the final paragraph of my last piece was meant to be strictly funny and ironic nothing more, nothing less. No one called me out on it, but when I read it later on, I was afraid that people not familiar with my work might have thought that I was … READ MORE...READ POST.

The Red Doors Community Center Offering Educational Programs and Events for All Ages this Spring

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, February 25, 2015
As we were scouring social media this week in search of all of the upcoming events across Delmarva, we were reminded of the plethora of awesome programs offered year-round at The Red Doors Community Center in OCMD. Located at St. Paul’s By-The-Sea in downtown Ocean City, the Red Doors is an outreach of the the local Episcopal church. The mission is “to enrich children and adults of the community … READ MORE...READ POST.

Weekend Happenings: Bidding Farewell to February with Bridal Shows, 5k Runs, History Tours and More…

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, February 24, 2015
We’ve finally made it to the end of February, which means spring is just around the corner! We hate to rush through any month of the year, but with the bitterly cold weather and the snow (let’s not forget the wind), it’s safe to say we are over winter. Nonetheless, there are still plenty of events to check out during the last weekend of February, including bridal shows, 5k … READ MORE...READ POST.

F-22 Raptor Demo Team to Perform at 2015 OC Air Show

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, February 23, 2015
OCEAN CITY, Md. – The OC Air Show will host three headline acts all in the same year as the U.S. Air Force F-22 Raptor Demo Team joins the best line up ever to be assembled in the eight year history of the OC Air Show.  The event will take place June 13-14, 2015 in Ocean City, Maryland. The F-22 Raptor is America’s superfighter and the only operational fifth-generation … READ MORE...READ POST.

Heirloom Farming Q&A with Chesterfield Heirlooms

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, February 23, 2015
“It began as a hobby,” explained Stefanie Barfield, owner of local heirloom farm and CSA, Chesterfield Heirlooms. “We just started growing them (vegetables) behind my house and they grew and grew and grew.” For starters, if you don’t know what heirlooms are… let us explain. An heirloom vegetable is an ancient plant or seed that is still maintained by gardeners or farmers today.  The term ‘heirloom’ is typically applied … READ MORE...READ POST.

Liquid Assets to Host Grand Wine Tasting Saturday, February 21

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, February 20, 2015
We write about Liquid Assets fairly often, and for good reason. An Ocean City mainstay, we love Liquid Assets for the food, the ambiance, the wine and cocktails, the doughnuts (if you haven’t tried them…, and the friendly staff. But this time of year, we especially love the fact that they stay open all winter long. Even better is the fact that every Saturday throughout the winter, Liquid Assets … READ MORE...READ POST.

Art League Offers Low-Cost Art and Creativity Workshops for Beginners

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, February 20, 2015
The Art League of Ocean City is offering one-time, low-cost art workshops for beginning artists and those who have no experience with art on Feb. 25 and Feb. 28 at the Ocean City Center for the Arts on 94th St. in Ocean City. Guest artist Sarah D’Alessandro will teach the no-pressure workshops on the subjects of drawing and creativity. She will instruct both non-artists and artists on how to … READ MORE...READ POST.

Salisbury to Welcome First SBY Restaurant Week, March 2-8

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, February 19, 2015
It’s no secret that we love dining across Delmarva, and if we can score a fantastic deal in the process, all the better; which is why we love when Restaurant Week rolls around in Ocean City, giving us an excuse to dine out more than usual, hitting all of our favorite restaurants for lunch and dinner, along with a few new spots. So when we heard that the Salisbury … READ MORE...READ POST.

ShoreBilly’s Swill: Musical Inspirations (or lack thereof)

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, February 18, 2015
In part one of my diatribe about recent Sunday evening programming, I touched on some pretty key points. To quickly summarize what we’ve discussed so far, I do, always have, and always will loathe Tom Brady, Bill Belichick, and Pete Carroll. I think the three of them embody all that is wrong with professional sports today. I firmly believe that the “tuck rule” was the beginning of the decline … READ MORE...READ POST.

Weekend Happenings: Grand Wine Tastings, Art Shows, Oyster Roasts and More on Delmarva

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Between the frigid temperatures and this week’s heavy snowfall, we would safely wager that you will be ready to get out of the house this weekend for a little fun. Fortunately, Delmarva is full of fun weekend events, with a little something for everyone to partake in. Whether you are in the mood for a wine tasting at Liquid Assets in Ocean City, or feeling up to a 5k … READ MORE...READ POST.

Best Hot Chocolate Recipes for an Eastern Shore Snow Day

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, February 17, 2015
A snow day and hot chocolate are practically synonymous. There is nothing quite like sitting by the fireplace or even taking a mug with you outside into the winter wonderland, so we’ve rounded up a few of our favorite hot chocolate recipes (with a little help from our Pinterest friends of course). Truth be told, we had no idea there were so many varieties. Take a peek at a … READ MORE...READ POST.

New March Shows at the Ocean City Center for the Arts Anticipate Changing Seasons

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, February 16, 2015
OCEAN CITY, MD — Feb. 14, 2015 — New art shows will warm the walls of the Ocean City Center for the Arts from March 2 through 28. The public is invited to the opening reception at the arts center on First Friday, March 6, from 5 to 7 p.m. to meet the artists and enjoy hors d’oeuvres. March’s featured artist is Dennis Young who is exhibiting a show … READ MORE...READ POST.

Winter Dining Deals: Discovering Off Season Dining Specials in Ocean City

Posted by Shorebread | Sunday, February 15, 2015
Our quest to compile a comprehensive list of all the winter dining specials continues! This week, we’re tackling Ocean City, with a round-up of the winter dining deals in OCMD, including a few from West Ocean City and Ocean Pines too. We’ve discovered that on any given night, there is at least one dining special worth leaving the warmth and comfort of the couch for. From half-priced entrees at … READ MORE...READ POST.

Top Ten Reasons Chincoteague Should be Budget Travel’s “America’s Coolest Small Town”

Posted by Shorebread | Saturday, February 14, 2015
As sad as we are to see Berlin relinquish the crown for America’s Coolest Small Town, we are thrilled to see another Eastern Shore town in the running…Chincoteague, Virginia! Of course we have immediately set our sights on helping our favorite island town win, and with a current 2nd place standing, we’re feeling confident Chincoteague can pull into the lead over the next month of voting. To get the … READ MORE...READ POST.

The Shark on the Harbor Owners Set to Open New, Fast-Casual Restaurant in West Ocean City

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, February 13, 2015
As the saying goes, when one door closes, another one opens. Such is the case with the location that was recently home to Peppers of West Ocean City. While it’s sad to see locally owned and locally loved businesses like Peppers West shut their doors, there is great solace in knowing they are being replaced by local, community-minded business owners. Enter Travis and Jody Wright. You probably know the … READ MORE...READ POST.

ShoreBilly’s Swill: Super Bowl Recap

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, February 11, 2015
These were 2 subjects that I tried my best not to write about, but I just couldn’t resist, so I decided to combine them into one piece. This one will be pretty top heavy with my own personal opinions, so be prepared. But then, that’s why they bury me all the way at the bottom in the editorial section with a blanket disclaimer attached to all of my work. … READ MORE...READ POST.

Day Trippin’: Exploring Historic Downtown Cambridge

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, February 11, 2015
One of our favorite aspects of ShoreBread is having a constant excuse to explore the Eastern Shore of Maryland, Delaware, and Virginia. No one really needs an excuse to get out and explore, but with the stresses of life, the daily grind, and the cold weather, it’s easy to get stuck in the rut of routine. Fortunately for us, it’s our job to get out, discover (and re-discover) Delmarvalous … READ MORE...READ POST.

Weekend Happenings: President’s Day Weekend and Valentine’s Day Fun on Delmarva

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, February 10, 2015
The weekend isn’t forecast to be as beautiful (or nearly as warm) as last weekend, but there are plenty of events to keep you warm and busy. And for those of you lucky enough to have off of work for President’s Day, you have a three-day weekend ahead of you! Whether you’re planning a weekend full of romance, or just looking to get out of the house for a … READ MORE...READ POST.

Best Of: Valentine’s Day Dining on the Shore

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Whether you buy in to the romantic notions associated with Valentine’s Day or not, chances are you are making plans to go to dinner with that special someone this weekend. Single or in a relationship, Valentine’s Day marks the perfect excuse to indulge in some seriously delicious food, from chocolate-covered strawberries to decadent meals at your favorite restaurant. Date night or a night out with your best friend, just … READ MORE...READ POST.

Celebrate LOVE this Friday with the LOVEFEST Event and Fundraiser

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, February 09, 2015
Valentine’s Day is upon us, which we are quite sure you have noticed by now since the stores have been showcasing chocolates, flowers, cards, and stuffed animals holding hearts for the past six weeks. The holiday is a take-it-or-leave-it event for many, but here at ShoreBread, we love a chance to celebrate love by giving back to those in need. It’s one of our favorite aspects about living on … READ MORE...READ POST.

Best Of – Sweet Spots on the Shore for Valentine’s Day Chocolates

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, February 06, 2015
Happy Valentine’s Day all…well almost. Let’s be honest with ourselves for a moment, shall we? There are many reasons to love or loathe Valentine’s Day, but the real reason to bask in Cupid’s love is the chocolate, and oh how we love good chocolate. Flowers, jewelry and heartfelt gestures are fine and dandy but in our opinion, nothing says ‘I Love You’ like indulging in a box of delicious … READ MORE...READ POST.

ShoreBilly’s Swill: Pet Peeves Personified

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, February 05, 2015
Ever since the new year started, I decided I would resolve to be a more tolerant, more patient, and all around better me. The decision, not unlike most that I make at this juncture in my life, was inspired by my children. But I’m going to try to parlay this ‘new me’ concept into all aspects of my life. It would be kind of a diluted resolution if I … READ MORE...READ POST.

Health & Wellness: A Closer Look at Reiki, Offered by ‘Our True Aura’ at Zenna in Berlin

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, February 05, 2015
After a recent tour of Zenna Wellness Studio in Berlin, MD, our interests were piqued when we heard that the studio also offered Reiki. Having only heard of the healing practice in passing, and having an insatiable curiosity for new approaches to health and wellness, we were eager to give the treatment a try. One week later, we were on the healing table, trying to shut out the everyday … READ MORE...READ POST.

Buying Local with The Good Farm

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, February 04, 2015
CSA’s, or Community Supported Agriculture, fill a particularly deep void in our area, providing people with the opportunity to buy local, seasonal food directly from a farmer. It may seem ironic (considering Delmarva is a patchwork of farmland) that buying fresh, local produce isn’t an easier feat, but unless you are a farmer, or know one well, local produce can be hard to come by. We sat down with … READ MORE...READ POST.

Winners Announced in the Just Zoo It! Contest; Five Local Schools Surprised with Rewards

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, February 03, 2015
The Delmarva Zoological Society announced the winners in the annual Just Zoo It! contest last week, surprising five local schools with rewards for all of their fundraising efforts. READ MORE...READ POST.

February Happenings: Winter Events Heat Up Across Delmarva

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, February 03, 2015
February may be the shortest month of the year, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t loaded with fun events! Delmarva doesn’t slow down for wintertime hibernation (despite the notably frigid temperatures so far this year); in fact, there is something for everyone to enjoy this month, including oyster festivals, fundraisers, wine tastings, gumbo crawls, art strolls and more. Snow Hill, Berlin, Salisbury, Ocean City, Lewes, Rehoboth…all of our favorite … READ MORE...READ POST.

Behind the Scenes at Ocean City Brewing Company

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, February 02, 2015
At least 20 different craft beers (brewed on premises) on tap at any given time, a full bar, German beer hall style seating, flat screen TVs, nine different types of egg rolls, 12 varieties of flatbreads, games, corn hole tournaments, beer flights, beer pairings, live entertainment…have we piqued your interest yet?? OC Brewing Company features all of the above and then some, with a deceivingly large restaurant and bar … READ MORE...READ POST.

Rehoboth Beach Museum to Host Downton Abbey Tea for Television Series Season’s End

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, February 02, 2015
Rehoboth Beach, DE – The Rehoboth Beach Museum will host a second tea party for fans of the PBS series Downton Abbey on Sunday, March 1 from 3 p.m. until 4:30. Costumed characters will again greet guests and lead discussions and quizzes about the latest developments in the popular television show. Traditional tea party food will be served with a change in menu from the last tea party to … READ MORE...READ POST.

Enjoying Local Oysters: Fager’s Island and the Town of Snow Hill to hold Oyster Festivals this Winter

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, February 02, 2015
Oyster lovers, it appears to be your time to shine! We’ve got our eyes on two upcoming oyster events on Delmarva, which means raw oysters are definitely in our future. Love ‘em or hate ‘em, oysters are an Eastern Shore staple, with our local bays offering up delicious local oysters every year. Raw, roasted, baked, Rockefeller, steamed, or mixed in a delicious seafood stew, we’ll take them just about … READ MORE...READ POST.

ShoreBilly’s Swill: “Not Going to Let Them Bother Me Anymore…”

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, January 29, 2015
I’ve decided that if only for the sake of my family, I am going to make a concerted effort to be a better person in 2015. With that in mind, I’ve compiled a list of things and people that used to get under my skin. Some were just petty little quirks of mine, or peeves if you will, while some were genuine, globally understood irritants. I considered it part rant, part confession, and part public service announcement. READ MORE...READ POST.

Super Bowl XLIX Hits Delmarva Sunday, February 1 with Food & Drink Specials

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, January 28, 2015
After months of football, weeks of playoff excitement, countless Sunday Fundays, and a shameless amount of snacking, the 2014/2015 football season is finally coming to an end. That’s right, Super Bowl XLIX is this Sunday, February 1, at 6:30pm. READ MORE...READ POST.

Berlin’s Zenna Wellness Studio Offers Yoga, Pilates, Zumba, Local Art, Reiki and More to Local Community Members

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, January 27, 2015
“We are all going through something, so it’s really about providing a feeling of healing and acceptance for anyone who has walked through that door,” says Zenna Wellness Studio owner and teacher Chrissy Ehrhart of her Berlin studio. The studio first opened its doors in June of 2012, and has been growing and evolving ever since. “I fell upon this place and I quickly realized how great the space … READ MORE...READ POST.

Celebrating 120 Years of The Atlantic Hotel in Berlin, MD!

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, January 26, 2015
2015 marks the 120th Anniversary of The Atlantic Hotel, and as we sat with current owner John Fager last week, reminiscing on the history of the town’s centerpiece, we found ourselves trying to imagine a Berlin without the beloved hotel. READ MORE...READ POST.

Fall in Love with Art at February’s Opening Reception

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, January 26, 2015
The Art League of Ocean City’s February exhibits will take your breath away with striking photographs, vivid landscape paintings, and heartwarming animal artwork to benefit a good cause. The First Friday Opening Reception takes place Friday, February 6 from 5 to 7 pm at the Ocean City Center for the Arts at 94th Street bayside and is free and open to the public. This month’s exhibit sponsor will be … READ MORE...READ POST.

Winter Dining Deals: Discovering Off-Season Dinner Specials in Berlin

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, January 23, 2015
The Atlantic Hotel, Siculi, The Globe, and Blacksmith are frequent favorites for us for Berlin dining and they are ALL offering fantastic winter dining specials right now. Take a look! READ MORE...READ POST.

ShoreBilly’s Swill: Turning Over a New Leaf

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, January 22, 2015
Last week I was telling you about how being remarried and a father of four has softened me up a bit…sanded down my rough edges so to speak. Though it sort of pained me to openly admit that, I felt obligated to finally own up to why I don’t write with the bitterness that once drove me. I also mentioned that, as a result, I’ve opted to change my … READ MORE...READ POST.

Weekend Happenings: Rodeos, Wine Tastings, Movie Screenings and More Round Out the Weekend in MD and DE

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, January 21, 2015
The weekend is just a few days away, so you can be sure we've already mapped out all of the fun events happening at the beach. We've got our eyes on oyster festivals in Fenwick and Salisbury, the Lonestar Rodeo at the Wicomico Youth and Civic Center, and free wine tastings at Liquid Assets in Ocean City. Hello weekend, we've missed you! READ MORE...READ POST.

The Lewes Polar Bear Plunge Weekend Festival Returns to Rehoboth Beach January 30-February 1

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, January 20, 2015
The Lewes Polar Bear Plunge Weekend Festival is upon us! What exactly does this mean? Well, a 5k race, polar bear plunge, chili contest, ice sculpting contest, and pooch parade for starters. What started as an annual, one-day event in Lewes to benefit Special Olympics Delaware has blossomed into a weekend-long affair that locals and visitors to the Lewes area look forward to every winter. The festival offers family-friendly … READ MORE...READ POST.

Rehoboth Beach Main Street Announces 2015 Events

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, January 19, 2015
Rehoboth Main Street shared their 2015 Calendar of Events with us recently, and we couldn't resist sharing with you all. Take a look at all of the fun things happening this year in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, courtesy of Rehoboth Beach Main Street! READ MORE...READ POST.

Winter Dining Deals: Discovering Off-Season Dining Specials in Rehoboth Beach

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, January 16, 2015
Dining deals abound during the winter months, as restaurants lure locals out of the house with irresistible dinner specials. We've compiled a list of some of the best 2015 winter dining specials in Rehoboth Beach, DE. Take a look! READ MORE...READ POST.

ShoreBread Visits the Ocean City Center for the Arts, Making Pottery Bowls for the 2015 Empty Bowl Project

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, January 15, 2015
The Empty Bowl Project is officially underway! 14, one-hour pottery sessions are being held over the next few months, giving people the chance to make a bowl to either purchase or donate to the event. The Empty Bowl Dinner will be held March 21. For $20, you will receive soup, bread and dessert courtesy of generous local restaurants, along with raffles and live music...all for a good cause! READ MORE...READ POST.

ShoreBilly’s Swill: The Softer Side of Syd

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, January 15, 2015
This is another one of those weeks where plans for the column changed at the last minute. In fact, I had already written a piece that I subsequently decided to put on the shelf when inspiration struck me unexpectedly again. The inspiration I speak of, as is often the case, came in the form of my children. It was my two youngest this time, a pair of beautifully mischievous … READ MORE...READ POST.

Ocean City to Celebrate Grand Opening of Performing Arts Center Featuring the Mid-Atlantic Symphony Orchestra

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, January 14, 2015
The Grand Opening Celebration of the Performing Arts Center is scheduled for this Saturday, January 17, from 6:30pm until 10pm (doors open at 6:15). The celebration features a performance by the Mid-Atlantic Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Julien Benichou and featuring Israel Lozano. Also performing is Ocean City Elementary School's OC Stars. READ MORE...READ POST.

Weekend Happenings: Old Pro Golf Tourney, 3rd Friday Fun in Salisbury, Delaware Food Drives, Craft Shows in OCMD and More!

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Weekend happenings are heating up the Eastern Shore of Maryland and Southern Delaware, with events from Salisbury to Lewes. Test your skills during Paint Nite at Dead Freddie's, take a horse & carriage ride along the Boardwalk in OCMD, enjoy new art exhibits in Downtown Salisbury, or attend the Grand Opening of the Ocean City Performing Arts Center. There's all that and more happening this weekend on Delmarva! READ MORE...READ POST.

Art League of Ocean City Presents ‘Animals in Art’ Theme, February Fundraisers for the Worcester County Humane Society

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, January 12, 2015
Throughout the ages, animals have always been a meaningful and recurrent subject in art. This February, the Ocean City Center for the Arts will feature exhibits and events dedicated to the prevailing theme of Animals in Art. In addition to animal themed artwork, several fundraisers will take place throughout the month to benefit the Worcester County Humane Society, a local no-kill shelter. In the Thaler Gallery, see “Animals in … READ MORE...READ POST.

‘Frozen’ Fun on the Eastern Shore: WYFCS and The Salted Rim Featuring Fun, Family-Friendly Activities this Winter

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, January 12, 2015
Fans of the Disney movie Frozen are in for a special treat this month, with two local establishments offering Frozen-themed, family-friendly events. Worcester Youth and Family Counseling Services in Berlin, MD and The Salted Rim in Ocean View, DE are both showcasing Frozen events this month. Check them out here... READ MORE...READ POST.

Best Of – Ravens vs. Patriots: Watching the NFL Playoffs on the Eastern Shore

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, January 09, 2015
It’s no secret that we are Ravens fans here at ShoreBread, so you can bet we will be planning our entire Saturday around game time, with an intense focus on deciding just where to watch the game. To make it a little easier on us (and you) we decided to round up our favorite football-watching spots on Delmarva. READ MORE...READ POST.

Art League of Ocean City Raising Awareness and Funding for Battling Hunger with Annual Empty Bowl Project

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, January 08, 2015
The Art League of Ocean City will host 14, free, one-hour pottery sessions over the next two months, inviting participants to come make bowls as part of their annual Empty Bowl Project. The bowls are to be used during the Empty Bowl Dinner in March, an evening dedicated to raising awareness for hunger while raising money for our local shelter, Diakonia. READ MORE...READ POST.

Chesapeake Martial Arts Owner and Instructor Achieves Highly Coveted ‘Grand Master’ Title

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, January 07, 2015
Chesapeake Martial Arts owner and instructor Kim Heaney received major honors recently, achieving the title of Grand Master, an honor that only two other women in the country have bragging rights to. READ MORE...READ POST.

ShoreBilly’s Swill: Domestic Soundbites and Battling Longstanding Fears

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, January 07, 2015
This week, Syd's post-holiday bliss is brought to a screeching halt by the appearance Syd's arch nemesis... READ MORE...READ POST.

Berlin Arts & Entertainment Presents 2nd Annual Group Art Show, ‘Medium’

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, January 06, 2015
Berlin Arts & Entertainment presents their 2nd annual group art show, Medium, at The Globe this Friday, January 9, at 6pm. The show brings together several artists from across the Eastern Shore, showcasing their talents in one space, all to benefit Berlin Arts & Entertainment. READ MORE...READ POST.

The Red Doors Community Center to Hold 1st Annual Red Doors Gala this Saturday

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, January 06, 2015
The Red Doors Community Center, an outreach of St. Paul's By-the-Sea Episcopal Church in Ocean City, will hold their first annual Red Doors Gala Saturday, January 10 at Fager's Island. With a mission to provide enrichment opportunities in mind, body, and spirit to community members, we can't think of a better cause to support this month! READ MORE...READ POST.

January Happenings on Delmarva: Art Strolls, Monster Trucks, Film Screenings, Wing Contests and More!

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, January 05, 2015
January may be one of the colder, darker months of the year here on Delmarva, but that doesn't mean there aren't plenty of events to enjoy! From arts and entertainment to local fundraisers, we're presenting you with our list of January happenings! READ MORE...READ POST.

Working It in the New Year: Picking the Right Gym and Fitness Studio on the Eastern Shore

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, January 05, 2015
As the New Year's Resolutions start to sink in, it's a safe bet that many of you are looking for the best work-outs, gyms, and fitness centers on Delmarva. Tackle 2015 with gusto and find the gym that is right for you by checking out a few of our favorite area gyms, yoga studios, fitness centers and more. READ MORE...READ POST.

Best of – Wine Bars on the Eastern Shore

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, January 02, 2015
Winter is the perfect time to discover your favorite spot for sipping some fine wines. We've rounded up a few of our favorite wine bars across Delmarva, from Ocean City to Salisbury and back again. READ MORE...READ POST.

Top Ten Things we are Looking Forward to in 2015

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, January 02, 2015
2015 is looking bright on Delmarva! From Ocean City to Salisbury, Snow Hill to Rehoboth Beach, we're rounding up our list of the top things we are looking forward to in 2015. READ MORE...READ POST.

Top Ten ShoreBread Stories of 2014

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Well friends, the time has come to bid adieu to 2014. At ShoreBread, we have had a fantastic year. From exploring all that Delmarva has to offer, to discovering (and rediscovering) local businesses, to forging new friendships with you, our loyal readers…this year truly was a special one. READ MORE...READ POST.

ShoreBilly’s Swill: Holiday Humor from Home

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Regardless of what holiday you celebrate, I hope you had a safe and happy one. If I happen to have seen you recently and wished you a Merry Christmas and you don’t celebrate it…don’t be offended. Just look at it as me wanting to wish another human being a happy day. If that’s all it takes to offend you, then grow a thicker skin and be thankful we didn’t … READ MORE...READ POST.

Start off the New Year Right in MD and DE with First Day Hikes!

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Each year, our National Parks ring in the New Year with First Day Hikes, a national event that encourages people to get outside on the first day of the New Year to explore nature. Check out our local hikes! READ MORE...READ POST.

Local Students to Participate in Robotics Kickoff Event for the 2015 Robotic Challenge

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, December 29, 2014
NASA, the US Navy, and Eastern Shore Robotics are sponsoring the 20th Annual FIRST Robotics Kickoff Event this Saturday, January 3 at Wallops Island, providing area students with a first glimpse at the 2015 Robotic Challenge. READ MORE...READ POST.

Wedding Venues on the Eastern Shore: Combsberry Inn of Oxford, MD

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, December 29, 2014
Wedding planning starts and ends with one perfect choice: the venue. For a picturesque Eastern Shore wedding on the water, consider booking a weekend at the Combsberry Inn in Oxford, MD. Just minutes from St. Michaels, MD and an easy drive from DC and Baltimore, the Combsberry is the perfect spot for a wedding any time of year. READ MORE...READ POST.

Get ready for Season Five of Downton Abbey with Tea Served at The Rehoboth Beach Museum

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, December 29, 2014
Members and friends of the Rehoboth Beach Historical Society who are fans of the television series Downtown Abbey are invited for tea and sweets on Sunday, January 4th from 3-4:30 at the museum. READ MORE...READ POST.

New Year’s Eve Dining Options: Celebrating in Style from Ocean City to Salisbury

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, December 29, 2014
New Year's Eve is the perfect time to treat yourself to a night out at your favorite restaurant! Don't wait, make your reservations for your NYE dinner today... READ MORE...READ POST.

Christmas Challenge: What Does Christmas Mean to You?

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, December 24, 2014
What does Christmas mean to you? Buddy the Elf posits that “the best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing for all to hear.” That certainly is a start, but it got us thinking, what is the most effective way to spread holiday cheer? Shopping lines, hours of wrapping gifts, digging out old family recipes, finding the exact type of whiskey that Uncle Melvin drinks, keeping the kids at … READ MORE...READ POST.

A New Year and New Exhibits at the OC Center for the Arts First Friday Reception

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, December 22, 2014
Join the Art League of Ocean City for their First Friday Reception January 2 from 5pm until 7pm. Ring in the New Year with an eclectic mix or artwork of all media including a collaboration of the literary and visual arts. READ MORE...READ POST.

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Buffets in Ocean City and Salisbury

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, December 22, 2014
After the shopping, family gatherings, gift wrapping, and abundance of holiday happenings, why not relax and let one of our area restaurants do the cooking for you! Take a peak at some of the restaurants offering Christmas Eve and Christmas Day buffets. READ MORE...READ POST.

Forget the NYC Ball Drop, Eastern Shore Towns Host their own New Year’s Eve Celebrations

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, December 19, 2014
It’s almost New Year’s Eve, have you made your plans yet?! No worries, we have all you need to know about where to ring in 2015. Times Square isn’t the only place to celebrate the New Year in the streets while counting down with the famous ball drop. Several of our area towns will be celebrating with their own ball drops, including Berlin, Salisbury, Lewes and Dewey Beach. America’s … READ MORE...READ POST.

Best Hotel Deals and Places to Stay for NYE in OCMD

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, December 19, 2014
It's hard to believe that 2014 is almost over, but believe it or not, New Year's Eve is just around the corner. In Ocean City, MD, the options for places to stay are endless, with many hotels offering amazing deals and packages. Take a look at a few of our favorites! READ MORE...READ POST.

ShoreBread’s Top Last-Minute (Local) Holiday Gift Ideas

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, December 18, 2014
For the last minute shopper, ShoreBread decided to compile a list of the BEST local gifts for that special someone in your life. Friends, family, co-workers, name it and we've uncovered the perfect last minute Christmas gift. Gift cards to your favorite Ocean City or Berlin restaurant, children's art classes, gym memberships, and more! Score the best gift this season. READ MORE...READ POST.

ShoreBilly’s Swill: Behind the Scenes with Syd

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, December 18, 2014
It's another heartfelt story from Syd, as we well know his love for family, the Christmas season brings him lots of joy. Read along as he takes us on a comical tour of his most beloved memories of Christmases past. Syd always says it best: "Embrace your family. Embrace your beliefs, wake up tomorrow, realize how blessed you are, kiss your children, and say thanks to whomever you are thankful to." READ MORE...READ POST.

Brrrrr, the 21st Annual Atlantic General Hospital Penguin Swim Returns New Year’s Day!

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Ready to jump into the ocean? How about for a good cause? The 21st Annual Penguin Swim will send crowds of brave souls running into the ocean on New Year's Day, all in an effort to raise money for Atlantic General Hospital! The event begins at noon on New Year's Day, with the swim beginning at 1PM. Keep reading for more: READ MORE...READ POST.

The Governor’s Challenge Basketball Tournament Returns to the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center with Exciting Additions

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Each holiday season, the Wicomico Youth and Civic Center puts on The Governor's Challenge Basketball Tournament, where teams from Maryland and Delaware battle it out for bragging rights. Complete with a friendly wager of Maryland Smith Island Cake and Delaware Peach Pie, the event grows in popularity each year! The event now includes Maryland, Delaware, DC, Virginia, North Carolina and New York. Keep reading for more on the specifics... READ MORE...READ POST.

Happy Hanukkah Delmarva!

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, December 16, 2014
With this week being the opening night of Hanukkah, tons of families across Delmarva are preparing to celebrate. Shorebread went behind the scenes to find out the history, the food and why celebrate for 8 nights. Keep reading for more on this fascinating holiday... READ MORE...READ POST.

Paying it Forward: ShoreBread Tips for Giving Back this Holiday Season on Delmarva

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Shorebread is a pro when it comes to giving back to the community, each holiday season... we try to pay it forward as much as possible! We've compiled a list of the most unique ways to give back to Delmarva, or your own community! Spoiler: Pay off someones layaway at Walmart. SO easy but SO meaningful. Just think of the appreciative families. READ MORE...READ POST.

Documentary in Production for Local High School Drama Teacher, Ms. Lehman.

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Local Worcester County Public School, Stephen Decatur High School has BIG news! Their beloved drama teacher for over 30 years is the star of a new documentary, and even better: directed by her former student. Ms. Lehman has been in the public school system for years and puts hours of hard work into the children's theater that happens each holiday season. Keep reading for more: READ MORE...READ POST.

10 Reasons We LOVE Being in Ocean City for the Holiday Season

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, December 15, 2014
Now that our holiday shopping is officially done we can start to actually enjoy the holiday season in Ocean City, MD. Take a look at our list for the top ten reasons we LOVE this season here at the beach: READ MORE...READ POST.

Shorebread Bakes: Favorite Christmas Cookies

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, December 12, 2014
One of our favorite holiday pastimes is baking Christmas cookies! The only problem is deciding which ones to bake, so we've rounded up a few of our favorite recipes to consider (perhaps we'll just make them all!). What are YOUR favorite Christmas cookies? READ MORE...READ POST.

Berlin’s First Barter Fair: Hosted By Grateful Living Homestead & Zenna Wellness Studio.

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, December 11, 2014
If you're looking for something unique to do this coming week, look no further than America's Coolest Small Town. Zenna Wellness Studio is hosting it's first ever Barter Fair, along with Grateful Living Homestead. You can trade homemade products or your own services! Beginning at 6PM on December 12th, you don't want to miss this. READ MORE...READ POST.

Ocean City’s Performing Arts Center Officially Opens with Inaugural Event: Economic Development Summit and Guest Speaker Dr. Aniban Basu

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, December 11, 2014
Ocean City's newest attraction, the Performing Arts Center at the convention center has exceeded all of our expectations. Shorebread attended the inaugural event recently which was a huge hit! The Texas Tenors are currently taking the stage to celebrate the Christmas season. Keep reading for more on this state of the art facility: READ MORE...READ POST.

ShoreBilly’s Swill: Home for the Holidays

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, December 11, 2014
I started writing last week about things and people from my life that I’m thankful for and who have molded me into the man I am today. Well before I knew it, the piece had become an ode to my Mom. I even shared with you a story that I had previously never told anyone, and truth be told, I got a bit choked up writing that one and … READ MORE...READ POST.

Photos from the Annual American Cancer Society Holiday Wrappings Fashion Show & Luncheon in OCMD

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Another terrific turnout this year for the annual American Cancer Society Holiday Wrappings Fashion Show & Luncheon! This was the second year that ShoreBread attended, and once again we were thoroughly impressed by the local support, Chinese and Silent Auctions, luncheon, performances, and of course, the fashion show! Take a look at a few of the highlights from the event:          ...READ POST.

MAASA Selected as Host of the 2015 USSSA Eastern World Series

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Salisbury, MD – The United States Specialty Sports Association (USSSA) has announced its Eastern World Series will return to Delmarva in 2015.  The three-legged series will run from July 15 to Aug. 1.  The event traditionally draws close to 400 teams to the region, and organizers anticipate the same level of participation for 2015. The 2014 event spanned three weeks, generating an estimated economic impact of $20 million and … READ MORE...READ POST.

Chincoteague, VA: America’s Coolest Small Town Title is Up for Grabs!

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, December 10, 2014
One of our favorite little seaside towns on the Eastern Shore is up for an award… Chincoteague, VA! Chincoteague is on the list of contenders to be named “Coolest Small Town 2015” by Budget Travel. As you know from past articles, Chincoteague is a place that you should visit at least once. A particularly small town in Accomack County, Virginia, the town’s population is few to none, except in … READ MORE...READ POST.

Pocomoke’s Lynnhaven Baptist Church Presents ‘A Walk through Bethlehem”

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, December 08, 2014
Happening: December 12th, 13th, 14th and 19th, 20th, 21st  from 6PM-9PM. Step back in time and experience the sights and sounds of Bethlehem on that very first Christmas Eve. Beginning on December 12th, the Lynnhaven Baptist Church puts on the extravaganza of the Christmas season. It’s an event that you have to see to believe, and one that won’t disappoint. Each evening, weary travelers will be escorted through the … READ MORE...READ POST.

Ocean City Convention Center Eyes Big Celebrations for New Performing Arts Center

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, December 08, 2014
Last week, the new auditorium and performing arts stage at the Roland E. Powell Convention Center was undergoing its finishing touches. With its state-of-the-art equipment, large musical and theatrical productions are set to successfully go off without a hitch before the year’s end. The 16,000 square foot performing arts center will include a 1,200 seat-auditorium and performing arts stage, two tiers of fixed seating, dressing rooms, a concession area … READ MORE...READ POST.

ShoreBread’s Favorite Holiday Displays on Delmarva

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, December 05, 2014
It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and one of our favorite pastimes is driving around the shore to visit area holiday displays. We love seeing the colorful lights bring objects to life as they illuminate the freezing winter nights. Shorebread has put together your guide for the BEST local holiday displays, from lights festivals to traditional train gardens. Before we know it, Christmas will be over so … READ MORE...READ POST.

Lower Shore Land Trust to Hold Annual Bluegrass Festival in Berlin Saturday Night

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, December 04, 2014
Live music events during this time of the year aren’t nearly as abundant as they are during our busy, warmer month, which is why, we were pleasantly surprised when we found out about Lower Shore Land Trust’s 4th Annual Bluegrass Festival that’s happening this Saturday, December 6th at 6PM. So what exactly is the Lower Shore Land Trust? The mission is to assist landowners and communities to conserve land … READ MORE...READ POST.

New Cambridge Radio Station Rolls out Calendar Featuring Work of Local Photographers

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, December 04, 2014
A new Cambridge radio station has produced a 2015 wall calendar that features the work of award-winning local photographers, as well as a listing of local events. The nonprofit radio station, run by volunteers, is scheduled to go on the air in spring 2015. The calendar includes photos by professional photographers Dave Harp, Graham Slaughter, Mary Konchar, and other local photographers. The calendar will be available for purchase in … READ MORE...READ POST.

Ocean City Shop, Local Mojo, Brings Unique Goods and Organic, Specialty Grocery to Eager Customers

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, December 03, 2014
“I’ve spent 40 years reading labels,” said Shenendoah Cute, owner of locally owned health food shop, Local Mojo. “It all started there.” Stocked full of organic produce, recycled, locally made art, and homemade goods, Local Mojo is a one-stop gift and health food shop that you’re sure to visit time and time again. “I grew up with my mom having celiac disease, so we had to make sure that … READ MORE...READ POST.

ShoreBilly’s Swill: Embarking Upon a Season of Thanks

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, December 03, 2014
This is one of those rare times when I had difficulty deciding what to write this week. I knew that I wanted to stick with ‘feel good’ stories throughout the holiday season, I just wasn’t sure where to go with it. I think it’s because I made the mistake of watching the news for a few minutes the other day. Given everything that’s going on in the world right … READ MORE...READ POST.

Eastern Shore Native Publishes Book Highlighting Unique Learning Methods for Learning Spanish

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, December 03, 2014
People want to learn Spanish for many reasons, but the truth is… it’s hard. Learning a new language can be time consuming, expensive, and downright frustrating. Going on a trip soon? Or maybe you just want to learn Spanish for future reference?  Ocean City, Maryland native Erin Ashley Sieber stopped by the Shorebread office right before the holidays to tell us a little about her expertise and her first … READ MORE...READ POST.

December Happenings: Holidays on the Shore

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, December 02, 2014
November is gone. How did that happen?! Thanksgiving is ovvvver and we’ve finally entered the holiday season, which means pretty soon we’ll be celebrating the year 2015! Last month was jam-packed with tons of events to round out the fall season, but now we’re preparing for all things winter. But before the snow hits the beach, we’re reveling in all things Christmas. It’s one last HOORAH before those bleak … READ MORE...READ POST.

‘Giving Tuesday’ Arrives on Delmarva

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, December 02, 2014
We have Black Friday, we have Small Business Saturday, we have Cyber Monday… well now it’s time to switch gears and focus our energies on Giving Tuesday (It may be our new favorite!). Giving Tuesday is a global day dedicated to giving back. On Tuesday, December 2nd, charities, families, businesses, community centers, and students around the world will come together for one common purpose: to celebrate generosity and to … READ MORE...READ POST.

La Quinta Inn & Suites Opens in Ocean City, Bringing Pet-Friendly Rooms, Pool & Tiki Bar, Efficiency Suites and More

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, December 01, 2014
If you’ve been around the Ocean City area for the past couple of decades, you’ve passed the Ocean Voyager at least a hundred times. The motel dated back to the 1950’s or 60s…and it showed. It was a basic economy motel with standard rooms- a few beds, a refrigerator and a TV; many could see the property had definitely seen better days.  “The old property had seen it’s time, … READ MORE...READ POST.

Celebrate the Holidays in Oxford, at the Combsberry Inn

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, November 28, 2014
You’ve probably noticed by now, but we have an unabashed and undying love for the Combsberry Inn in Oxford, MD. In a word, it’s magnificent, and that’s no exaggeration. We’ve taken a few trips to the waterfront bed and breakfast and each time we find ourselves making excuses not to leave. And what’s not to love? Between the view, the scenery, the impossibly delicious breakfasts and the cozy interior, … READ MORE...READ POST.

Shop Big During Small Business Saturday in Ocean City, Salisbury and Berlin

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Small Business Saturday is an American shopping holiday held on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, during the biggest and busiest shopping period of the year. In 2010, the holiday was promoted by American Express through a nationwide radio and television advertising campaign. Using social media, advertising and public relations, it generated more than one million Facebook “like” registrations and nearly 30,000 tweets under the Twitter hashtags #smallbusinesssaturday and #smallbizsaturday. The...READ POST.

Celebrate the Holiday Season in Berlin, MD!

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, November 26, 2014
“Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.” -Norman Vincent Peale Berlin, Maryland is known for the events that are thrown year round, especially events that appeal to all ages. As you know from past articles that Shorebread has produced, the change of seasons in Berlin is truly one of a kind, it’s a magical experience that only America’s Coolest Small … READ MORE...READ POST.

ShoreBilly’s Swill: Bring on the Turkey…with an Extra Helping of Gratitude and a Spoonful of Humor

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, November 26, 2014
As incredibly entertaining as the rest of my family road trip was, I’m going to have to put that piece on the shelf. After seven weeks, I was only 24 hours into a week-long trip. Given my innate penchant for hyper verbosity, it’s entirely possible that one would have run until St. Patrick’s Day. Now that we are just a few days away from Thanksgiving, it is now officially … READ MORE...READ POST.

Black Friday Specials at Ocean City’s Local Surf Shops and Boutiques

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Thanksgiving Day is so close we can almost smell the turkey and all those wonderful fixin’s. After spending all day cooking up a storm in the kitchen and enjoying all of the hard work (aka, the delicious food) with our closest family and friends; our plan is to migrate to the couch where we can come up with a game plan for the most exciting shopping day of the … READ MORE...READ POST.

Shorebread Crafts: Gratitude Journals

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Happy almost Thanksgiving! During the fall holiday months, Shorebread tries to come up with creative crafts that are easy to do so that maybe we’ll pass them on to you and your family. This November, we’ve made Gratitude Journals, an easy, fun gift that you can give to the special people in your life. (Fun fact: If you would like to give it as a gift, write down things … READ MORE...READ POST.

Weekend Happenings: Tree Lightings, Winterfest, Shopper’s Fairs and More on Delmarva

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, November 25, 2014
The holiday season is almost here… with just 2 days until it’s officially turkey day, we’re dreaming of decking the halls, hanging our stockings and sipping on all things peppermint. With December right around the corner, we’re hoping to end November with a BANG! This weekend is jam-packed with Christmas tree lightings, holiday craft expos, Thanksgiving 5K’s and more. As fun as November was, we’re ready to turn the … READ MORE...READ POST.

De Lazy Lizard to Offer Ocean City Community Free Thanksgiving Dinner on Thursday

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, November 24, 2014
During the holidays, we see local businesses constantly coming together and joining forces to give back to the community. Perhaps the best part is the fact that the local generosity comes purely from the goodness of their hearts. This week, we’re pointing the spotlight on De Lazy Lizard in downtown Ocean City. We’ve got three words for you: FREE THANKSGIVING DINNER. That’s right, De Lazy Lizard has planned a … READ MORE...READ POST.

Raising Awareness and Funding through No Shave November and Movember Challenges

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, November 21, 2014
Most of you are probably keyed in to No Shave November and Movember by now. Not ringing a bell? It’s simple. As the colder months loom, it’s only natural that men make the choice to stop shaving and opt for a burly (warm) beard. In recent years, this has morphed into a ‘No Shave November’/ ‘Movember’ phenomenon of sorts, taking a philanthropic turn with several organizations using the no-shave … READ MORE...READ POST.

Mid-Atlantic Symphony Presents ‘Holiday Joy’ for the Holiday Season on Delmarva

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, November 20, 2014
While we hate to admit it, when it comes to the arts, events can be few and far in between here on the Eastern Shore. Luckily, twe have a collection of organizations that give us the opportunity to see unique talent while enjoying arts and culture without traveling over the bridge. One of these organizations if the Mid-Atlantic Symphony Organization (MSO), located here on Delmarva with shows held across … READ MORE...READ POST.

ShoreBilly’s Swill: Travels with Syd

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, November 19, 2014
I stood there in front of the completely packed restaurant with the cool name feeling a bit dejected. The opportunities for me to dine with my wife and all 4 of my children are very few, and very far between. We only had a few brief hours to spend with my son so I wanted it to be as special as possible. The brief time that I stood in … READ MORE...READ POST.

Celebrate the Holidays with Area Christmas Tree Lighting Events from Salisbury to Pocomoke to Lewes

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Each year, towns all along the Eastern Shore deck the halls with Christmas cheer by way of festive decorations and events that bring the community together in numerous ways. Each town enjoys their own celebrations – Berlin, Snow Hill, Pocomoke, Ocean Pines, Salisbury, Ocean City, Rehoboth Beach, Dewey Beach and Lewes – yep, we’ve got all you need to know for the tree lighting events for our area.  Think … READ MORE...READ POST.

Winterfest of Light Returns to OCMD, Bringing Holiday Cheer to the Beach with Thousands of Twinkling Lights!

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, November 18, 2014
When it comes to holiday cheer, nothing says Christmas quite like the start of the Winterfest of Lights each year. The Winterfest of Lights at Northside Park is the event of the winter season, bringing an extra twinkle to Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s. This Thursday is the opening night, with the annual tree lighting set to kick-start the event. More than one million holiday lights will sparkle throughout … READ MORE...READ POST.

Weekend Happenings: Winterfest of Lights, Ten Mile Miracle, and 3rd Friday Fun!

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, November 17, 2014
It’s beginning to look a lot like… Christmas, juuuust kidding. Here at Shorebread, we try not to rush the seasons, but it’s hard when all of our favorite towns are planning Christmas tree lightings. That’s why we’re just embracing it; yes, we appreciate Thanksgiving and all the holiday has to offer (and planning on eating our body weight in roasted turkey) but when Christmas is knocking at your door, … READ MORE...READ POST.

Downtown Rehoboth Holiday Tree Lighting & Sing-Along

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, November 17, 2014
Rehoboth – Friday night after Thanksgiving, gather with family and friends at the Bandstand for Rehoboth Beach Main Street’s downtown Tree Lighting & Hometown Sing-Along, November 28, 6:30-7 p.m.  Clear Space Theatre will host the Sing-Along at 6:30 p.m. and officially illuminate the City’s most famous tree at 7:00 p.m.  This year’s tree was generously donated by Harriett Magee of Rehoboth Beach. Everyone is invited to this cherished annual … READ MORE...READ POST.

Holiday Happenings with Baked Dessert Cafe in Berlin

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, November 17, 2014
With the holiday season right around the corner, Baked Dessert Cafe in Berlin, Maryland is getting ready for the hustle and bustle of Main Street, gift shopping, and the sudden overwhelming desire for locals to stock up on cookies, breads and pies. Baked owner Robin Tomaselli is excited for the most wonderful time of the year, prepping for the (hungry) crowds that the holiday season brings to America’s Coolest … READ MORE...READ POST.

Fun Thanksgiving facts, Shorebread style

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, November 14, 2014
While you and your family are eating yourselves into a food coma, you may forget why you get to chow down on delicious food, partake in some wanted (or unwanted) family time and watch football for hours on the couch. It’s because it’s Thanksgiving after all, a time we all cherish, a time to be grateful and give back to others… Thanksgiving is a harvest time celebration, as we … READ MORE...READ POST.

OC Young Professionals Commitee Enjoying 4th Year of United Christmas Spirit Campaign

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, November 13, 2014
With the start of the holiday season upon us, the time for giving is here.  The United Christmas Spirit Campaign – hosted by The Young Professionals of the Ocean City Chamber of Commerce – is a prime example of the area’s generous nature this time of year. “We started in 2011, the Chamber of Commerce had an idea to bring forth the Young Professionals, with those aged 21-39 that … READ MORE...READ POST.

ShoreBilly’s Swill: Southern Comfort (Well, Not Quite)

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, November 13, 2014
When we left off last week, the delightful town of Asheville, North Carolina had just appeared out of the dense mountain fog like an oasis. After having just spent the past 14 hours of my life driving through miserable weather (and after navigating the intestinal tract of the eastern United States) Asheville couldn’t have been a more welcome sight. The town itself was so quaint and attractive that it … READ MORE...READ POST.

Thanksgiving Turkey Trots: ‘Fun Run’ Your Way to Turkey Day

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Before you settle in on the couch to indulge in all the holiday fixins’… stuffing, turkey, pumpkin pie, mac and cheese… you get the point, consider getting in a little exercise. Avoid the guilt that comes with the holiday “gut” and run one of our many turkey trots on the Delmarva Peninsula! They are purposely planned so you can feel good in the morning, get home just in time … READ MORE...READ POST.

Habitat for Humanity of Worcester County to Host 2nd Annual Holiday Gala of Homes

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, November 11, 2014
One of our favorite events that marks the start of the holiday season is the Holiday Gala of Homes. With a terrific turnout last year, it was no surprise when we heard that our local Habitat for Humanity chapter would be holding the event once again this year. Habitat for Humanity of Worcester County will hold its second annual Holiday Gala for Homes this Saturday, November 15th at the … READ MORE...READ POST.

2014 Downtown Rehoboth Window Decorating Contest

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, November 11, 2014
In an effort to “Deck the Halls” of downtown Rehoboth Beach, Rehoboth Beach Main Street (RBMS) is hosting the 2nd Annual “Holiday Decorating Contest.”  All Rehoboth businesses are invited to decorate their windows in the spirit of the Holidays.  The top three winners will receive: (1st Place) $500 cash prize, (2nd Place) $200, and (3rd Place) $100.  The three winners will also receive a 2015 RBMS Annual Membership. All … READ MORE...READ POST.

Weekend Happenings: Eastern Shore Events, Shows, Festivals and Fundraisers

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, November 11, 2014
November has a special place in our hearts, maybe because it’s the start of the holiday season, maybe because it’s a time for family and thankfulness, maybe it’s because the weather takes a turn and we can finally pull out the boots, sweaters and hot cocoa. We’re not sure what makes November such a cozy month… but we do know one thing: our area takes advantage of it by … READ MORE...READ POST.

Eastern Shore Native Opens Up About Working on the Popular TV Series, Criminal Minds

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, November 10, 2014
Criminal Minds fans… this one’s for you! Recently, Shorebread had the privilege of catching up with hometown superstar, Erica Messer, an American television writer, producer and story editor. Messer has written episodes for television series such as Alias, The O.C., Charmed and currently, the ever-popular CBS show, Criminal Minds. Erica’s hometown is our very own Ocean City, Maryland. After high school (Messer attended Stephen Decatur), she decided to stay … READ MORE...READ POST.

Brown Box Theatre Returns to Ocean City with Fall Production November 14-17

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, November 10, 2014
“Brown Box Theatre was founded in 2009 to fill a void in the arts landscape of my home region, the Eastern Shore of Maryland. We began with very small productions with almost no budget, but with our First Annual Free Shakespeare tour on Delmarva, we knew we were doing something right,” said Kyler Taustin, Artistic Director for Brown Box Theatre. And he couldn’t have said it any better; they … READ MORE...READ POST.

Sunday is National Scrapple Day, Time to Celebrate an Eastern Shore Favorite

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, November 07, 2014
Happy Scrapple Day(well almost, its Sunday, November 9)! We can’t believe that this amazing piece of breakfast meat has been around for almost 3 centuries. History shows that scrapple was invented back in the 1700s, when the Pennsylvania Dutch settled in Lancaster County. These farmers believed that all parts of the pig should be used and more importantly, eaten. Quickly though… it was brought a little further down South … READ MORE...READ POST.

All That Glitters Might be Art: Holiday Fun at the Art League of Ocean City

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, November 07, 2014
If you are looking for some unique ways to light up the holidays, let the Art League of Ocean City help. Whether a little jolt of color and art in your own life might be just the thing to brighten up the longer nights and shorter days ahead or you want to add some sparkle or enrichment to the lives of others, the Art League at the OC Center … READ MORE...READ POST.

Cozy Up, Shop til You Drop, and Stroll Downtown Rehoboth for the 4th Annual Cocoa Crawl!

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, November 06, 2014
With the holiday’s right around the corner, the Eastern Shore is gearing up for the 2014 Christmas shopping season. This year, Shorebread isn’t just focusing on Ocean City… we’re heading north to one of our favorite areas to shop…Rehoboth Beach, Delaware! Year-round we love heading to the beach-side town to peruse their selection of stores, but what better time to do it than during the 4th Annual Cocoa Crawl. … READ MORE...READ POST.

Easton to Hold Annual Waterfowl Festival November 13-16

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, November 06, 2014
We love an excuse to head north to the town of Easton. With the Waterfowl Festival just around the corner, we plan on joining the thousands of visitors that will flock to Talbot County next weekend. If you didn’t already know, Easton is home to one of the largest festivals this side of the Bay Bridge –  the Waterfowl Festival – an annual fall event held each November that … READ MORE...READ POST.

Welcome November with Weekend Happenings and Events Across Delmarva

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, November 05, 2014
It’s here… the weather, the darkness… yep, we can feel winter slowly creeping its way onto the Eastern Shore We haven’t gone into seasonal depression just yet, after all we still have the holidays to enjoy. But with the sun setting around 4:30PM and waking up in the morning to it being 48 degrees, we’re quickly on our way. But not before the busy months of November and December … READ MORE...READ POST.

ShoreBilly’s Swill: On Family Road Trips, Arsonists, and the Struggle Against GPS

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, November 05, 2014
When we left off, I was in the early stages (still) of a family road trip while simultaneously composing a tourism brochure for Accomack County Virginia. So I’m going to pick it up right where we ended. I was driving through the stretch between Maryland and the bridge tunnel in my perpetual; “notice things that most people would never even see and find humor in them” mode, and my … READ MORE...READ POST.

Thanksgiving Dinner on the Eastern Shore: Local Ocean City, Berlin and Salisbury Restaurants Offer Holiday Menus

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, November 04, 2014
Ocean City and the surrounding area restaurants have made a tradition of offering delicious Thanksgiving dinners to locals in the area, as well as to visiting families. This is a less traditional route than cooking at home, but many people opt to eat out for the ease and accessibility of taking a break from cooking (not to mention the cleanup!!). It’s a great opportunity for families to take a … READ MORE...READ POST.

Eastern Shore Dog Classic Returns to Wicomico Youth & Civic Center November 5-8

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, November 04, 2014
Dog lover’s on the Eastern Shore, UNITE! The Talbot County Kennel Club, Salisbury Kennel Club and the Mispillion Kennel Club’s Eastern Shore Classic Dog Show will return to the Wicomico Youth and Civic Center this Wednesday, November 5th until Sunday, November 9th. The event brings over 100 unique dog breeds to our area competing in Best in Show each day of the event. Other special events will include Best … READ MORE...READ POST.

Snow Hill to Celebrate Inaugural ‘Rock the River’ Festival Saturday

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, November 03, 2014
Snow Hill is one of those towns that when you enter the Downtown area you feel as if you’ve been transported back in time. Cobblestone streets, local mom and pop stores that they’ve owned for years, beautiful brick buildings…the list goes on and on. Each year the Town of Snow Hill hosts a number of events that are favorites among locals, spurring Delmarva locals and visitors to travel to … READ MORE...READ POST.

Opening Reception for November Artists at OC Arts Center

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, November 03, 2014
The Art League of Ocean City’s first Friday opening reception introducing new works for the month of November takes place Friday, Nov. 7 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Ocean City Center for the Arts at 94th Street bayside.  The public is invited and complimentary refreshments will be served. The Thaler Gallery will feature a “Juried Members Holiday Show” – an all media, 2D and 3D show. This … READ MORE...READ POST.

Revisiting the History of Holland Island

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, October 31, 2014
#FBF! We’re flashing wayyyy back to the 1600’s, when Maryland was home to a piece of land in the Chesapeake Bay known to locals as Holland Island. After seeing an article recently that showcased a home on Holland Island as one of 34 isolated homes in the world, we thought we would do a little digging to find out about the house and the tiny Bay island. Holland Island … READ MORE...READ POST.

November Happenings: Welcome the Holiday Season with Tree Lightings, Winterfest, Shopper’s Fairs, Cocoa Crawls and More!

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, October 30, 2014
Someone please explain to us how it’s November already. Wasn’t it just the middle of July and we were sunbathing on Stinky Beach?! As much as we’d like to be working on our tan, November has a special place in our hearts because of our tight knit community. Each holiday season, the area comes together, whether it means giving to charities, celebrating the beginning of the Christmas season or … READ MORE...READ POST.

Get Well Gabby Organization Plans First Annual Gabby Gobble 5K

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, October 30, 2014
Shorebread is all about great causes, but this one is seriously up there…in a truly moving, heartbreaking and dearly important way. Get Well Gabby is an organization that was founded on an impassioned foundation of strong-will and the courage to fight for a cure for childhood cancer. Their mission is three-fold: to raise money for childhood brain cancer research to help find a cure, to assist in the care … READ MORE...READ POST.

ShoreBread Reflects: Hurricane Sandy; One Year Later

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, October 29, 2014
One year ago today I was struggling against the masses at the Target in Brooklyn, kicking myself for not realizing that all of the flashlights and bottled water would already be gone and opting instead for board games, candles and junk food. It was a race against the clock, quite literally, as the New York City subway system was less than an hour from being shut down for the … READ MORE...READ POST.

Rehoboth Film Festival Returns November 5th-9th

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, October 29, 2014
It’s one of the biggest festivals in Delaware; movie enthusiasts from across the country come to the coastal town of Rehoboth Beach to catch some seriously unique films. For us, it’s the chance to enjoy five days of some of the best American and international films including features, documentaries, and shorts. The Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival started in 1998 with a simple newspaper ad and people who all … READ MORE...READ POST.

ShoreBilly’s Swill: On the Road (Significantly and Frighteningly) Less Traveled

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, October 28, 2014
I truly apologize for all of the starting and stopping on this story. Unfortunately, being on a word count is Kryptonite to a guy like me. This is why I’m still telling you a story of a road trip from a month ago. It’s the exact reason I don’t have a Twitter account; I can’t convey any message in 175 characters or less. The only difference between the way … READ MORE...READ POST.

The Rehoboth Sea Witch Rides Again!

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, October 28, 2014
The Rehoboth Sea Witch Festival celebrated its 25th year this past weekend, and with the weather bordering on perfection, we couldn’t resist spending our entire Saturday enjoying the festivities and exploring Rehoboth. The highlight of the day was the costume parade, which took place along Rehoboth Avenue. We knew there would be a crowd but boy was there a crowd! We tried to weasel our way to the front … READ MORE...READ POST.

Halloween Happenings: Delmarva’s Best Bar Specials and Costume Contests

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, October 27, 2014
Halloween is a big deal here on Delmarva; after all, who doesn’t love an excuse to get creative, dress up, and head out for a night on the town. We love dressing up each year, but we really love heading out to our favorite watering holes to see all the creative costumes! With Halloween falling on a Friday this year, you can guarantee the bars will be packed with … READ MORE...READ POST.

Get Ready for the Great Pumpkin Race OCMD

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, October 24, 2014
Every fall, Ocean City celebrates all things Halloween; usually it involves parties, parades and runs. This year… the fun continues with the Great Pumpkin Race, a great, creative way to really get into the spirit. Picture this: hundreds of hand-made painted, carved, various shaped pumpkins on wheels racing to the finish line with a perfect October beach-y fall background. Yep, that’s pretty much what the Great Pumpkin Race looks … READ MORE...READ POST.

Prime Pickin’ – Pumpkin Patches Across Maryland and Delaware

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Its prime time pumpkin pickin’ season here on the coast and we’re jumping in head first. Don’t stress if you haven’t gotten around to finding that perfect, plump pumpkin… fortunately, we’ve rounded up the best of the best patches around the area for your pickin’ pleasure! So grab your family and friends, head down to any of the following hot spots and spend the day enjoying everything fall has … READ MORE...READ POST.

Halloween Happenings: Haunted House Events Across Delmarva

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, October 22, 2014
The Eastern Shore is rich in history; many of the areas buildings, houses, fields or forests has a story all its own. In honor of our haunted histories (and Halloween of course) we’ve rounded up the best of the best here on Delmarva and we’re sure that visiting these places is the best way to celebrate the spooky season. So whether you’re from Delaware or Maryland, we’ve got the … READ MORE...READ POST.

ShoreBilly’s Swill: On the Road, Part III

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Well, since there’s not a whole lot going on in town this time of year, particularly in the bar scene, I’m going to continue on with the tales from my family road trip. Once I realized that this trip was so bizarre and entertaining that it could potentially get us all the way through November, I decided to trim it down. So in the interest of my allotted space … READ MORE...READ POST.

Weekend Happenings: Halloween in Ocean City, Part 1

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Halloween is almost here and on the Eastern Shore, we really know to celebrate. Fortunately for us, this weekend (we’ll call it Halloween-weekend-eve) is chocked full of spooky events that are designed to get us into the spirit. Think spooky hayrides, one of the biggest festivals on the East Coast, a great pumpkin race and a marathon with hundreds of Halloween enthusiasts taking over the boardwalk in Ocean City. … READ MORE...READ POST.

Behind the Scenes at Downtown Salisbury’s Latest Addition…The Brick Room

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, October 20, 2014
We’ve been finding ourselves in Downtown Salisbury more and more lately. Between the 3rd Friday fun and the addition of new restaurants, coffee shops, art studios and bars, it’s no wonder Downtown Salisbury is buzzing. It’s no surprise then that the latest addition, The Brick Room, quickly caught our attention. A peak inside at the tight space outfitted in exposed brick, reclaimed wood tables, and walls adorned with mismatched … READ MORE...READ POST.

Wicked, Wild and Wonderful – Rehoboth’s Renowned Sea Witch Festival Returns

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, October 20, 2014
Rehoboth Beach, Delaware is known for their beautiful landscapes, fun atmosphere and stellar shopping. Most of us know Rehoboth for the Tanger Outlets, quirky new restaurants (that ShoreBread is just DYING to cover) and the lively downtown boardwalk area that caters to just about everyone. Each October, the Rehoboth Beach-Dewey Beach Chamber of Commerce throws the festival of the fall: the 25th Annual Sea Witch Halloween & Fiddlers’ Festival. … READ MORE...READ POST.

Halloween Day Trippin’: Howl-O-Scream at Busch Gardens

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, October 17, 2014
If you have a free weekend in October between now and Halloween, we suggest taking a Saturday and heading down to beautiful Williamsburg, VA for a day at Busch Garden’s Howl-O-Scream. This is a once in a lifetime experience that we are lucky enough to be only 2 and a half hours away from. Howl-O-Scream is a huge festival and attracts people from all over the country. The popular … READ MORE...READ POST.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Making Strides with Inspirational Crafts

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, October 17, 2014
If you’re looking for a great way to raise awareness for breast cancer, or maybe letting someone you love know you’re thinking of them or just want to do something in honor of all the brave women who struggle with this disease every day… we have the perfect craft for you. Inspirational Dolls: What you’ll need: A piece of card stock Stamps Markers Stickers We found most of the … READ MORE...READ POST.

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer 5k Run/Walk Returns to OCMD Saturday

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, October 16, 2014
Every October, the pier in Ocean City is taken over by a sea of pink for the ACS Making Strides Against Breast Cancer 5K Walk/Run. This fundraiser to benefit the American Cancer Society has proved time and time again that Ocean City is a great place for bringing awareness to great causes and it becoming a success story. This is obviously a great opportunity for everyone to walk or … READ MORE...READ POST.

Halloween Heats Up on Delmarva with Chesapeake Ghost Walks

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, October 16, 2014
With Halloween right around the corner, ShoreBread is gearing up for our favorite time of year… the holidays! But before we start stuffing our bellies with turkey and decking the halls (EEEKK!!!) we are celebrating Halloween Eastern Shore style with the ever-popular Chesapeake Ghost Walks. Chesapeake Ghost Walks is the largest cluster of regional heritage walks in America, impressive right? Local author of Haunted Eastern Shore: Ghostly Tales from … READ MORE...READ POST.

Berlin Gears Up for Octoberfest

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, October 15, 2014
As much as we’d like to hop on the next plane to Germany for the outrageous festivities that go on through the entire month of October, we know that’s probably not possible for the middle of the work week. Berlin, a.k.a.  America’s Coolest Small Town, is hosting its annual Octoberfest this weekend and you’re sure to feel like you’re right in the middle of Munich holding a stein of … READ MORE...READ POST.

ShoreBilly’s Swill: On the Road, Part II

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, October 14, 2014
As promised, I’m picking up right where I left off on the story about my family road trip. Last week I had described the contents of my vehicle, the demeanor of my four female travel companions, and my emotional state at the start of the trip. Now it’s time to hit the road. Before I can properly enjoy telling you where I’m going, I have to start by telling … READ MORE...READ POST.

Weekend Happenings: Oktoberfest in Berlin, Pet Parades in OCMD, Wine Festival in Salisbury and More!

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, October 14, 2014
It’s another fun October weekend here on the Shore and we’re already counting the days until Friday. With last weekend pretty much rained out, we’re looking ahead and hoping for some beautiful fall weather! Friday and Saturday are looking hopeful with pure sun, blue skies and a high of 68 degrees. Just in time for the Autumn Wine Festival, a paddle boarding extravaganza and another one of America’s Coolest … READ MORE...READ POST.

Painting, Pottery and…Monsters – Oh, My!

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Mother Nature is doing her best right now to both amaze and spook us with her changeable bouts of weather and perhaps push us to stay inside.  But not to worry. If being inside’s your pleasure at this chillier time of year, you will find plenty to delight your senses and kindle those creative urges with all the offerings on tap this month at the Ocean City Center for … READ MORE...READ POST.

Worcester County Humane Society Celebrates Adopt-A-Shelter-Dog Month

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, October 13, 2014
Did you know that October is National Adopt-A-Shelter-Dog month? It’s no secret that ShoreBread has a soft spot for pups of all sizes, shapes, colors and breeds, but we have a particularly special spot in our hearts for shelter dogs. Year-round we work to donate to our area shelters either through donations of food, money, toys and clothing, or by attending the numerous fundraisers that are held in our … READ MORE...READ POST.

Ocean City Celebrates Fall Restaurant Week

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, October 13, 2014
Ocean City’s Restaurant Week is one of those beloved events that locals look forward to each spring and fall. The TWO WEEK Restaurant Week extravaganza gives locals the chance to get back out and enjoy their favorite restaurants while affording visitors with the opportunity to sample some of Ocean City’s finest establishments…all at a great price. These deals are pretty unbelievable; you can essentially get 4 and 5 course … READ MORE...READ POST.

Rehoboth Beach Museum Presents “The Cape Henlopen Lighthouse – A Durable Image”

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, October 13, 2014
Rehoboth Beach – Speaker Dr. Terry Bryan brings to life the cherished history of the Cape Henlopen Lighthouse in a power-point presentation November 6, 7 p.m. at the Rehoboth Beach Museum, located at 511 Rehoboth Avenue. Suggested donation for non-members is $5. The segment on the Henlopen Lighthouse will allow the audience to see many of the old images captured through the years until the lighthouse fell into the … READ MORE...READ POST.

ShoreBread Hits the Road…Big City Style in NYC

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, October 10, 2014
Here at ShoreBread, we clearly love all things related to our beloved Delmarva region. From Ocean City to St. Michaels, from Lewes down to Chincoteague, we love traversing the Eastern Shore of Maryland and Lower Delaware to find the best bites, the latest trends, and ALL of the happening events. Nonetheless, it’s always fun to take a trip over the bridge from time to time. After all, if there’s … READ MORE...READ POST.

Candidate Denied By Council After Public Hearing; Meehan, Martin File For Re-Election

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, October 09, 2014
OCEAN CITY – Seven of nine City Council candidates were approved by the Mayor and City Council Monday night while former Councilman Joe Hall and newcomer Philip Ufholz’s residency and domicile requirements were challenged. Monday evening at 5 p.m. was the candidate filing deadline for this year’s municipal election to be held on Nov.4. During Monday’s Mayor and City Council meeting, City Clerk Kelly Allmond announced a total of … READ MORE...READ POST.

Two Weekend Ocean Rescues In Resort

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, October 09, 2014
OCEAN CITY — A potential tragedy was averted last weekend when the Ocean City Beach Patrol and the town’s Fire Department rescue swimmers were able to pull an adult male and a juvenile in distress from the ocean, but residents and visitors are reminded the patrol ceased off-season mobile operations on Monday. Around 12:50 p.m. on Saturday, Ocean City Communications received a call that two individuals were in distress … READ MORE...READ POST.

ACT Hosting Paddlemania Event Next Saturday

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, October 09, 2014
BERLIN — On Saturday, Oct. 18, Assateague Coastal Trust will hold its 2nd Annual ACToberfest Paddlemania! at Castaways RV Resort and Campground in West Ocean City. The event is a celebration of local waterways and features live music, local food, paddling events and demonstrations, children’s activities and much more. The Paddlemania portion of the event will feature a variety of guided paddling excursions, including daytime forays from Castaways and … READ MORE...READ POST.

Seahawks Fall Just Short In Bid For 1st Win

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, October 09, 2014
BERLIN- The Decatur varsity football team’s attempt to spoil homecoming for Easton and gain their first win of the season last Friday fell just one point short with a 34-33 overtime loss to the Warriors. Two weeks ago, the Seahawks dropped a game to Kent Island on its own homecoming to fall to 0-4 on the season. Last Friday, Decatur traveled to Easton with an opportunity to return the … READ MORE...READ POST.

Adventures Of Fatherhood

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, October 09, 2014
The funny thing about leaving the family behind for a trip is it only takes a couple minutes for everything to return to normal. I went away last weekend to Charleston, S.C. for a guys’ weekend. It’s the first time since my kids were born that I have been away for two nights without Pam. It was a strange feeling of mixed emotions. It was a wonderful little getaway … READ MORE...READ POST.

Worcester Prep School Grades One Through Six Compete In Summer Reading Competition

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, October 09, 2014
Each summer students in Grades One through Six at Worcester Preparatory School are invited to compete in a Summer Reading Competition. Top readers for overall books were Myra Cropper with 504 books; Isabella Metz, 170 books; and Olivia Conaway, 105 books. Reading the most pages were Myra Cropper with 80,335; Parker Tingle, 13,474; and Aleezah Ehtasham, 8,928. School wide and grade level reading winners were, first from left, Isabella … READ MORE...READ POST.

Berlin Hosting School Date Petition Effort

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, October 09, 2014
BERLIN — Worcester County Public Schools (WCPS) have already returned to a post-Labor Day start but last week the town of Berlin began hosting at Town Hall Comptroller Peter Franchot’s petition calling for all Maryland public schools to return to the traditionally later start date. WCPS taking the plunge was a good first step, according to town leadership, but the full benefit won’t be realized until all schools in … READ MORE...READ POST.

Fake Cop Assault

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, October 09, 2014
SALISBURY — Local law enforcement officials this week are reminding motorists to use caution when encountered by “police officers” after a woman was attacked by a suspect acting as a cop on the Salisbury bypass earlier this month. Around 11:40 a.m. on Oct. 1, Maryland State Police troopers responded to a reported assault that had occurred on the Salisbury Bypass. Troopers learned the victim had been taken to Peninsula … READ MORE...READ POST.

We Remember Those We Have Lost

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, October 09, 2014
Patricia Murray Chester Patricia Murray Chester BERLIN — Patricia Murray Chester, 77, died Oct. 4, 2014 in Berlin, surrounded by her family. Born in Berlin, she was the daughter of the late Harry Earl Murray, Sr. and Virginia Dennis Murray. She was preceded in death by her second husband, Marvel Lee Hadder, in 1991, and N. William “Bill” Chester in 2012. She is survived by her children, Thomas S. … READ MORE...READ POST.

Berlin Architectural Reviews Proposed

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, October 09, 2014
BERLIN — Feeling that an architectural review amendment presented Wednesday lacked teeth, the Berlin Planning Commission agreed to put architectural design guidelines at the top of the priority list for its next meeting. During this week’s meeting, the commission was presented with an amendment that would change site plan reviews to include an architectural review where the commissioners could have some input on the aesthetics of a building. “I … READ MORE...READ POST.

Seahawks Scalp Indians, 6-0

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, October 09, 2014
BERLIN- After a tense game with Bayside South rival Parkside ended in a 1-1 tie last Thursday, Stephen Decatur’s girls’ varsity soccer team left nothing to chance in a home game against Wicomico on Tuesday, routing the Indians, 6-0, with a big second half surge. The Seahawks reeled off eight straight wins to start the season before its matchup with Bayside South rival Parkside last Thursday. Both teams were … READ MORE...READ POST.

Who’s Playing When And Where

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, October 09, 2014
28th Street Pit and Pub 410-289-2020 28th St. & Coastal Hwy. Every Thursday: Local’s Dance Party with BK, 10 p.m.   Adolfo’s 410-289-4001 13th St. & The Boardwalk, In The Beach Plaza Hotel Every Friday & Saturday: Rhonda Apple & Dale Britt   Atlantic Hotel 410-641-3589 2 North Main St., Berlin Friday, Oct. 10: TBA Every Monday: Earl Beardsley Every Tuesday: Bob Miller On The Piano   Buxy’s Salty … READ MORE...READ POST.

Mixed Results Expected In Excursion Train Study; Railroad Condition A Likely Concern

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, October 09, 2014
SNOW HILL — The feasibility study on a potential excursion train in Worcester County has been completed, although details are scarce as the County Commissioners want time to process the information before making it public. The response from commissioners this week is that the train seems to still be a possibility though obstacles requiring a funding commitment appear likely. The results of the $20,000 feasibility study, which was ordered … READ MORE...READ POST.

Halloween Happenings: Spook-tacular Fun in OCMD All Month Long

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, October 08, 2014
BOO! That’s right, October is in full swing and that can only mean one thing… Halloween is right around the corner. Here in Ocean City, October means the weather is fabulous and Halloween events are extensive. Think costume 5K’s, beach mazes with ghoul creatures, a great pumpkin race and a festive parade. There is no place we’d rather be! Seaside 10 Mile Run/5K Halloween Bash: October 25th Ocean City … READ MORE...READ POST.

ShoreBilly’s Swill: On the Road; Part 1

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, October 08, 2014
As anticipated, and as previously discussed, I was unfortunately unable to correspond with you nice folks last week. If you recall, that’s why I wrote an extra long piece the prior week. The reason for my brief absence from the column is that I was partaking in a time honored American tradition known as the family road trip. This is a generations old ritual that started back with the … READ MORE...READ POST.

Ocean City Comes Together for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, October 07, 2014
Time and time again, Ocean City comes together for a great cause that proves our community is as tight-knit as they come. Breast Cancer Awareness Month is no exception; fortunately, tons of businesses around the area plan events and go above and beyond for charity to show their support for breast cancer victims and the race to the cure. Brews for Boobs is an inaugural string of events that … READ MORE...READ POST.

Domicile Questions Surround Two City Council Candidates; Public Hearing Planned For Thursday

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, October 07, 2014
OCEAN CITY – Seven of nine City Council candidates were approved by the Mayor and City Council last night while former Councilman Joe Hall and newcomer Philip Ufholz’s residency and domicile requirements were challenged. Monday evening at 5 p.m. was the candidate filing deadline for this year’s municipal election to be held on Nov.4. During last night’s Mayor and City Council meeting, City Clerk Kelly Allmond announced a total … READ MORE...READ POST.

Weekend Happenings: Fall Fun in October with Rockfish, More Craft Brews, Scrapple and Cruisers

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, October 07, 2014
October is here. The weather is cooler, barely getting past the high 60’s (YAHOO!) and we’re seeing mums, pumpkins and fall specials galore all around town. Its ShoreBread’s favorite time of year and this weekend is no exception, there are so many fun events happening and with the forecast showing blue skies, crisp air and sunshine it will be one to remember. We’re welcoming the cruisers, a beer fest … READ MORE...READ POST.

Fall Cruisin Car Show Event Kicks Off Thursday

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, October 07, 2014
OCEAN CITY — The 17th Annual Endless Summer Cruisin Car Show will return to Ocean City this week, Oct. 9-12. This four-day automotive event continues to be one of the eastern region’s largest fall car shows with more than 2,000 hot rods, street machines customs and more. Show hours are from 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 9 through Saturday, Oct. 11, and the Grand Finale Car Show and Awards … READ MORE...READ POST.

Best Of – National Seafood Month

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, October 07, 2014
It’s National Seafood Month! As avid seafood connoisseurs and Eastern Shore natives we take our seafood pretty seriously. Fresh catches, oysters, blue crabs, steamed shrimp…you name it we’ll eat it. In our humble opinion, the key is freshness and simplicity – although we’ve been known to dig into deep-fried fish, crab cakes, or oysters too. In honor of National Seafood Month, we’ve rounded up some of our readers’ favorite … READ MORE...READ POST.

Day Trippin’ – Walking Tour of Historic Downtown Ocean City

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, October 06, 2014
We don’t often associate Ocean City with the word “historic,” but look past the summer crowds and the new condo buildings and you’ll find a deep history, particularly rooted in downtown Ocean City. From the inlet to 3rd Street, also known as “Old Town,” there are a number of historical buildings, with many dating back to the 19th Century. We decided to stay close to home this week, going … READ MORE...READ POST.

Good Beer Festival and Autumn Wine Festival Return to Salisbury this Month

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, October 06, 2014
October brings glorious weather, along with some of our favorite events and fall festivals. ShoreBread LOVES all of the Eastern Shore fall events, and in case you hadn’t noticed, we try to attend as many as possible. One that we know we are not going to miss is the Good Beer Festival and the Autumn Wine Festival, both located in Pemberton Park in Salisbury. First, we’ll start with the … READ MORE...READ POST.

24 October Ghost Walks on the Eastern Shore

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, October 03, 2014
MARION STATION, MD (October 2, 2014) – Chesapeake Ghost Walks, a company that operates a series of year-round ghost walks on the Eastern Shore has scheduled 24 walks for the month of October in 10 historic Eastern Shore towns. Additionally, the company is offering three “inside” tours of the Vance Miles House, the haunted house that is owned by author and company founder, Mindie Burgoyne. Living in a haunted house is … READ MORE...READ POST.

County Believes Politics Causing Comptroller To Stall Wholesale Liquor Distributor Probe

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, October 02, 2014
SNOW HILL — Word is still out on whether a complaint lodged by the Worcester County Department of Liquor Control (DLC) against liquor wholesaler Reliable-Churchill has triggered an investigation by the state Comptroller’s Office. The state is only willing to acknowledge it receive the letter at this point and would not confirm nor deny an investigation. It’s been a little over a month since the county filed an official … READ MORE...READ POST.

Decatur Boys Win Third Straight Game

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, October 02, 2014
BERLIN- After dropping two close games to start the season, Stephen Decatur’s boys’ varsity soccer team has now reeled off three straight wins including a 7-0 rout of Snow Hill on the road on Monday. The Seahawks opened the 2014 season with a pair of 2-1 losses to North Caroline and Pocomoke. Since then, the Decatur boys have won three straight games, allowing just one goal in the process. … READ MORE...READ POST.

PRMC, Contractor Celebrate New OP Medical Complex

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, October 02, 2014
OCEAN CITY – Peninsula Regional Medical Center (PRMC) representatives along with contractor Gillis Gilkerson gathered in Ocean Pines to break ground last Thursday on a new medical complex. “I appreciate everyone coming out today. We are very pleased to bring to this community regional healthcare that is looked upon in this area as a high profile, excellent deliverer of health care and bring it directly to this community in … READ MORE...READ POST.

Seahawks Fall To Bucs On Homecoming

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, October 02, 2014
BERLIN- Decatur’s season-opening losing streak continued with a 35-19 loss to Kent Island on Homecoming last Friday. The Seahawks’ record now stands at 0-4 on the season despite remaining competitive in nearly each of the early season contests. By and large, with its young and mostly inexperienced roster, the Seahawks have shown good strides in most of their games thus far, but have not been able to sustain most … READ MORE...READ POST.

Worcester Prep’s Girls Varsity Field Hockey Team Remains Unbeaten

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, October 02, 2014
Worcester Prep’s varsity field hockey team remained unbeaten this week with a 7-0 shutout of visiting Delmarva Christian at home on Wednesday. Pictured above, Mia Meacci attempts to get a shot past the Delmarva Christian goalkeeper in the second half.   Photo by Shawn Soper...READ POST.

A Fork In The Road This Month

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, October 02, 2014
OCEAN CITY — The Federal Reserve (Fed) is set to end its historic bond purchasing program this month, making the divergence of monetary policies globally ever more apparent. As the U.S. faces the end of an era, Europe and Japan, as well as several emerging markets, are in the throes of monetary easing. Despite a calm ride for the majority of this year, we still see the potential for … READ MORE...READ POST.

Commissioner-To-Be Submits OC Council Resignation

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, October 02, 2014
OCEAN CITY – Councilman Joe Mitrecic submitted his resignation notice this week from the City Council, while the number of candidates seeking elected office nearly doubled. At the conclusion of Tuesday afternoon’s Mayor and City Council work session, Mitrecic submitted his letter of resignation to Council President Lloyd Martin who read it into the record. “With this letter I hereby submit my resignation as a council member of the … READ MORE...READ POST.

Wallops, Resort Working To Grow Tourism Partnership

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, October 02, 2014
OCEAN CITY — With another significant launch at NASA’s nearby Wallops Island facility scheduled for later this month, Ocean City business leaders this week learned of a growing partnership to take advantage of the potential opportunities. NASA and its private-sector partners have conducted several major launches from Wallops in recent years, and depending on a variety of factors including the scope and scale of the rockets, weather conditions and … READ MORE...READ POST.

Vanishing Ocean City With Bunk Mann

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, October 02, 2014
Ocean City’s motel industry developed in the mid-1950s following the opening of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and the desire of young families for lodging that was casual, inexpensive and that offered easy on-site parking. Within a decade, the vacant land between 15th and 33rd streets became known as “Motel Row.” Motel Row grew from a few initial motels — the Sea Scape (1954), the Surf and Sands (1955), the … READ MORE...READ POST.

Former Phillips Employees Reunite In Area For Golf Tourney

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, October 02, 2014
OCEAN CITY — Life lessons such as work ethic, character and family forged for a core of employees of Phillips Crab House way back in the early 1980s have not been lost on the group and getting together each year to reflect has been a tradition. About two dozen former Phillips employees, all of whom worked at the historic crab house in the early 1980s, returned to the Ocean … READ MORE...READ POST.

Christine Zieminski Wins Knights Of Columbus Harley Davidson Raffle

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, October 02, 2014
Grand Knight of Ocean City Council #9053 of the Knights of Columbus Bruce Coons is pictured with the 2014 Harley Davidson that was raffled off last month after a summer of selling raffle tickets. The winning ticket belonged to Christine Zieminski of West Chester, N.Y....READ POST.

Therapies Key For Breast Cancer Recovery Process

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, October 02, 2014
BERLIN — October is both Breast Cancer Awareness Month and National Physical Therapy Month, and Atlantic Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine (APT) reports the two are both relevant in October as physical and occupational therapies can play a big part in the recovery process following a battle with breast cancer. “These women may have pain in their arms, limited range, swelling or they can’t do all of their self-care … READ MORE...READ POST.

Ark. Realtor’s Death Sparks Safety Reviews On Local Front

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, October 02, 2014
OCEAN CITY — The murder of an Arkansas real estate agent last week has re-emphasized the importance of safety for local Realtors often put in compromising positions when showing properties to complete strangers. Arkansas real estate agent Beverly Carter was reported missing last week after planning to show a property and never returning from her appointment. A few days later, her body was found in a shallow grave, the … READ MORE...READ POST.

Church, Maykrantz Talk Issues At West OC Forum

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, October 02, 2014
WEST OCEAN CITY — Incumbent Worcester County Commissioner Bud Church shared the stage with Michael Maykrantz, the challenger for Church’s District 3 seat, last week for a candidate forum hosted by the West Ocean City Alliance at the Lion’s Den on Airport Road. Church and Maykrantz squared off on issues like recycling, fire safety in West Ocean City, wind energy and county zoning. Democrat Maykrantz and Republican Church both … READ MORE...READ POST.

Theft Scheme Arrests

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, October 02, 2014
Melvin Collins Jr. OCEAN CITY — Two local men were arrested last week on burglary charges after Ocean City police were able to connect them to a series of thefts of building materials and scrap metal over a period of about five days late last month. The OCPD Criminal Investigation Division concluded an investigation into the theft of building materials Kenneth Arimtage and scrap metal with the arrests of … READ MORE...READ POST.

Behind the Scenes with Maryland State Police Aviation Command

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, October 02, 2014
We all stop and look as the ambulance rushes past and we all turn our heads to the sky when police helicopters fly high above, always wondering what the emergency is but rarely giving thought to the men and women behind the scenes who are making rescues and saves happen day in and day out. We were fortunate enough to get a tour of the Maryland State Police Aviation … READ MORE...READ POST.

Ocean City To Start Selling Boardwalk Tram Panel Ads; Council Divided Over Revenue-Producing Initiative

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, October 02, 2014
OCEAN CITY – A divided City Council voted this week to approve additional advertising opportunities for local and national businesses atop Boardwalk trams. According to Public Works Director Hal Adkins, the town installed in mid-August roof top, back lit, advertising panels on one of the 16 tram coaches. The installation consisted of two side panels and one rear panel advertising McDonalds. The installation was done in an effort to … READ MORE...READ POST.

Fall Festivities Abound at Fifer Orchards in Delaware

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, October 01, 2014
We’ve been seeing social media posts for Fifer Orchards more and more recently with the start to the fall season, so when we found ourselves with a free Saturday, we decided to the make the day trip to Camden, Delaware to see what all the fuss was about. With a corn maze, apple and pumpkin picking, quaint country store, and an endless supply of children’s games from zip lines … READ MORE...READ POST.

Berlin Cancels Election After Write-In Candidate Deadline Passes

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, October 01, 2014
BERLIN — With all candidates running for the Berlin Town Council unopposed following Tuesday’s write-in candidate deadline, the town has cancelled the election and has scheduled a swearing-in ceremony. Having all three eligible seats only have a single candidate could be interpreted as apathy from residents to get involved with government but the town’s stance is that a combination of trust in direction and prior commitments have resulted in … READ MORE...READ POST.

Sweeten Up Fall with a Stop at the Seashell Sweets Truck

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, October 01, 2014
We had a blast at the Berlin Fiddler’s Convention (as you already know),  but something caught our eye as we were walking down Main Street…the cutest mint green and cream colored food truck parked along the sidewalk. With the word ‘sweet’ emblazoned on the side, we couldn’t help but gravitate towards the retro-mobile for a closer look. Kate Russell and Gina Servant, owners of Seashell Sweets, came up with … READ MORE...READ POST.

State Pot Law Changes Today; Small Possession Not A Criminal Offense Any Longer

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, October 01, 2014
Shawn J. Soper News Editor OCEAN CITY — The new state law decriminalizing simple marijuana possession takes effect today, essentially making possession of 10 grams or less akin to a traffic citation, but the jury is still out on the possible repercussions on the street level. The Maryland General Assembly’s approved legislation makes the possession of 10 grams or less of marijuana a civil offense with a citation that … READ MORE...READ POST.

Happy Birthday to the Salisbury Zoo!

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Our beloved Salisbury Zoo celebrated a major milestone this past weekend…the 60th Anniversary! With cake, animals, games, performance, vendors and more, we couldn’t resist a trip to Salisbury for the fun-filled event. The Salisbury Zoo was founded in 1954 when many animals were placed on permanent exhibition in the Salisbury City Park. The zoo made improvements in the 1970’s and now provides enclosures for species native to North, Central and South … READ MORE...READ POST.

Scenes from the 4th Annual Bluegrass by the Bay

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Castaways RV Resort and Campground welcomed the 4th Annual Bluegrass by the Bay this past weekend, and since you all know how much we love live music and bluegrass, we were of course on the scene to enjoy the concert and snap a few photos for your enjoyment. So without further ado:  ...READ POST.

Rehoboth Beach Museum Celebrates 25 Years Of the Sea Witch Festival

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Rehoboth Beach – The month October is a wonderful time of the year for visitors and residents alike.  Spooktacular events occur during the Sea Witch Festival.  The Museum has three events during the festival weekend, October 24 and 25 to help commemorate the 25th year. The Museum and the Jolly Trolley will team up to offer the popular Magical History Tour once again this year. There are two tours … READ MORE...READ POST.

Ocean City Reviewing Hectic Car Rally Weekend; General Behavior Viewed As Disappointing

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, September 29, 2014
OCEAN CITY — Tensions ran high over the weekend with thousands of vehicles in the area for an organized car rally overwhelming local roads and stressing law enforcement agencies while also providing an off-season economic boost. Although it’s not sanctioned by the Town of Ocean City, the 17th Annual H20 International (H20i) event, which is actually held in Whaleyville, markets Ocean City as the destination and most of the participants … READ MORE...READ POST.

FALL into October with Delmarva’s Autumn Events

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, September 29, 2014
October is here and we’re pretty much in shock over it. How is September over? Before we know it, it will be Thanksgiving… not that we’re complaining. ShoreBread sure does LOVE the holidays. But let’s not jump too far ahead. October is such an amazing month down here on the shore; it’s full of beautiful fall weather, chilly walks on the beach, soaking up the last of al fresco … READ MORE...READ POST.

Seagull Century Rides Again

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, September 29, 2014
With large crowds and beautiful fall weather, it’s safe to say that Seagull Century was a huge success this year. All over Delmarva, throngs of cyclists could be seen, along with frequent updates via social media from various participants and spectators. One of ShoreBread’s very own rode in the race this year, documenting his journey for us along the way:    ...READ POST.

Eclectic Artistry: Abstractions, Sisters, Seascapes, Synthesis

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, September 29, 2014
One artist has her Delaware nature-scapes represented in the home of the Vice President of the United States. Another works emotion into her abstract realism. Two sisters work in symbiosis to both create and critique. An artisan stretches her horizons to fuse glass into synthesized works of art.   All in all a perfect storm of creativity as our area itself makes its annual transition into the volatile mix of … READ MORE...READ POST.

Salisbury Zoo to Celebrate 60th Anniversary Friday Evening

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, September 26, 2014
The Salisbury Zoo was founded in 1954 when many animals were placed on permanent exhibition in the Salisbury City Park. The zoo made improvements in the 1970’s and now provides enclosures for species native to North, Central and South America. The Zoo is open every day, year round from 9AM to 4:30PM except for Christmas and Thanksgiving Day. The best part about this wonderful spot… it’s free! One of our favorite … READ MORE...READ POST.

Ocean City Better Prepared This Year For Car Rally; Resort Police, Promoter Working Together On ‘Very Busy Weekend’

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 25, 2014
OCEAN CITY – As the bugs make their way into town for the annual H20i event, the Ocean City Police Department is preparing to control crowds by partnering with private properties and continuing to keep a working relationship with the event organizer. The 17th Annual H20 International (H20i) event is a two-day VW/Audi rally that will be held this weekend at Fort Whaley Campground off Route 50 where, according … READ MORE...READ POST.

Martin To Seek Fourth Council Term; Ashley Uncertain

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 25, 2014
OCEAN CITY – With the filing deadline of Oct. 6 to run for council in November’s municipal election nearing, Ocean City Council President Lloyd Martin confirmed this week he will seek another, while Councilman Brent Ashley remains unsure. To date, four men have filed to run for the City Council in this year’s municipal election — Anthony “Tony” DeLuca, Christopher Rudolf, Joseph “Joe” Brian Cryer and Philip Ufholz. Last week … READ MORE...READ POST.

City Okays Bond Moves For Fire Station Project

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 25, 2014
SALISBURY – The Salisbury City Council voted 4-0, with Councilwoman Shanie Shields absent, to approve a resolution authorizing the city to issue and sell two bonds for up to $4,009,000 to fund the Fire Station #2 project and up to $2,800,000 to refund 2004 bonds. City Administrator Tom Stevenson explained the resolution authorizes the issuance and sale by the City of Salisbury of its General Obligation Bonds pursuant to … READ MORE...READ POST.

The Resorter … Revisited

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 25, 2014
Season of 1959 Volume V Edition 7   Issue Highlights   Manager Bob Harman welcomed guests to the Sea Scape Motel, “The Finest Ocean City has to offer,” according to its advertisement. The ad copy read, “Long a favorite of discriminating vacationers, The Seascape Motel this year brings to Ocean City a newer, bigger, more modern motel where the accent is on luxury.”   In a story headlined, “Convention … READ MORE...READ POST.

Showell Elementary Third Grade Students Show Off Their School Pride

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 25, 2014
Third grade students at Showell Elementary School show off school pride by wearing their “Willet Shirts” for the school’s Opening Assembly. Pictured are Kate Slaysman, Andrew Grosso, Finn Ramnarain, Jake Ritz and Tabby Glenn....READ POST.

Seahawk Golfers Set School Record

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 25, 2014
BERLIN- Stephen Decatur’s varsity golf team remained unbeaten at 6-0 this week after outpacing the field at Great Hope on Tuesday and setting a new school record in the process. The Seahawks shot a team score of 149 on Tuesday at Great Hope, setting a new school team record for nine holes. Matt Kristick led the way with a one-under par 35 and earned medalist honors for the day. … READ MORE...READ POST.

$2,000 Target Early Childhood Reading Grant Given To United Way

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 25, 2014
United Way Community Impact Manager Pam Gregory and Salisbury Target employees display examples of the free, high-quality books that local children receive through United Way’s Imagination Library Program. The $2,000 Target Early Childhood Reading Grant will provide over 924 booksto be distributed this year among the homes of 77 children. Pictured, back from left, are Bill B., Salisbury Target Store Manager Cindy Elder, Monty Montasser, Justin G. and Michael … READ MORE...READ POST.

We Remember Those We Have Lost

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 25, 2014
Elizabeth Solter Elizabeth Monell Solter BERLIN — Local horsewoman Elizabeth Monell Solter, owner of Amberley Farm, went to be with the Lord on Sept. 12, 2014 at the age of 47. Born in Fredericksburg, Va., Elizabeth was the daughter of the late Beverly Brooks Solter and John Ritchie Solter. She is survived by her husband, Aaron Brent McMullen; sons, Rodney Allen Bross, Jr. and Michael Eden McMullen of Berlin; … READ MORE...READ POST.

Things To Do Around Town

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 25, 2014
Every Sunday: Morning Worship 8:30 a.m., contemporary; 10 a.m., traditional, Atlantic United Methodist Church, 105 4th St., O.C. For more info, 410-289-7430.   Every Sunday: Morning Worship 8 a.m. & 11 a.m., Traditional Worship; 9:30 a.m., Contemporary Worship; St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, E.L.C.A, 10301 Coastal Hwy., O.C. For more info, 410-524-7474.   Every Monday Through October: Historic St. Martin’s Church Museum Open 1-4 p.m., 11413 Worcester Hwy., Showell. For …...READ POST.

Director Of US Operations For John Cabot University In Rome, Italy, Visits Worcester Prep

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 25, 2014
Rich Edgar, back left, Director of US Operations for John Cabot University in Rome, Italy, visited Worcester Preparatory to talk with members of the Class of 2015. Each year WPS students look forward to Edgar’s dynamic presentation about the writing of super college admissions essays. Pictured with Edgar and Director of College Counseling/Assistant Headmaster Tony D’Antonio are Molly Soule´, Sophie Brennan, Kyle Chandler, Christopher Choy, Natalie Twilley and Hank … READ MORE...READ POST.

Worcester Coordinator Honored With Math Award

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 25, 2014
SNOW HILL — Worcester County Public Schools (WCPS) are once again receiving some state and national attention with Rosemary Heher, Coordinator of Instruction for Mathematics, being recognized this fall as a 2014 Maryland Council of Teachers of Mathematics (MCTM) Excellence in Teaching Award recipient. Heher has been with the county for 15 years, an educator for nearly double that and has taught at every level of learning from elementary … READ MORE...READ POST.

Kayak Journey Raises Over $75K

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 25, 2014
OCEAN CITY — After six grueling days on a 175-mile kayak trip from Ocean City to Baltimore, a tired and happy group of bartenders and friends recreating the legacy of a popular Baltimore restaurateur paddled into the Fell’s Point harbor last Sunday afternoon with a successful mission accomplished. The group of kayakers left Ocean City early last Tuesday morning on a 175-mile kayak trip from the resort area to … READ MORE...READ POST.

Printing Inventively: Local OC Company, Plak That, Raises the Bar in Custom Prints

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 25, 2014
Ocean City local Wyatt Harrison, owner of Plak That, invited ShoreBread for a one-on-one in his studio this week to allow us a sneak peek at what really goes on behind the scenes at his innovative business. To say his company has seen exponential growth in the past two years would be an understatement. After walking in, we quickly realized how busy this 26-year-old is. If you haven’t heard … READ MORE...READ POST.

Pocomoke Freshmen First To Get iPads For School As Part Of Digital Conversion

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 25, 2014
POCOMOKE — Digital Conversion within Worcester County Public School (WCPS) classrooms is near the top of the system’s priority list, and Pocomoke High School (PHS) has taken point on that front. The school’s entire ninth grade class has been provided with iPad mini tablets for use in school and eventually at home. There are roughly 100 students in the PHS freshman class and each of them is able to … READ MORE...READ POST.

Salisbury Eyes Alternative Energy Partnerships

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 25, 2014
SALISBURY — Clean and renewable energy got the spotlight this week as the Salisbury City Council heard pitches from both wind and solar providers for future partnerships. The council plans to work with city administration to develop some defined goals and needs that can be translated into a Request for Proposals (RFP) that will be made available to energy providers. First to share with the council was Pioneer Green … READ MORE...READ POST.

Matt Haley Celebration Set For Sunday

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 25, 2014
FENWICK — A Celebration of Life has been set for this weekend for noted restaurateur and philanthropist Matt Haley, who died tragically in a motorcycle accident in August while on a six-week humanitarian mission in northern India and Nepal. Haley was the founder and CEO of Matt Haley Companies based in Rehoboth, which owns and operates top-notch restaurants throughout Sussex County including the popular Blue Coast in Bethany and … READ MORE...READ POST.

Local Sturgeon Captures First In 40 Years

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 25, 2014
SALISBURY — For the first time in decades, a total of eight adult Atlantic sturgeon have been caught and tagged in creeks and streams along the Lower Shore that feed into the Chesaapeake, signaling a possible spike in the recovery efforts of the endangered species. Since late August, Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) biologists have located, tagged and released eight adult Atlantic sturgeon in the Marshyhope Creek along … READ MORE...READ POST.

Channel Dredging Project Underway; Goal Is To Increase Channel Depth To Six Feet

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 25, 2014
OCEAN CITY — The federal Army Corps of Engineers this week began staging for a major maintenance dredging project for navigation channels in the Isle of Wight and Sinepuxent bays with hundreds of thousands of cubic yards of dredged material intended to be spread at various important ecological sites in and around the resort area. The massive project is part of the Army Corps’ routine maintenance of the federal … READ MORE...READ POST.

Berlin News In Brief

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 25, 2014
BERLIN — During this week’s Berlin Mayor and Council meeting, several updates were provided, including the status of a new library on Harrison Avenue was discussed and the search for a new director of Economic and Community Development   No Major Obstacles For New Library After a preliminary review by the town and the State Highway Administration, a proposed Berlin library to be located on Harrison Ave. looks to … READ MORE...READ POST.

40th Anniversary Sunfest Breaks Attendance Mark, Attracting Crowd Of 234,474

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 25, 2014
OCEAN CITY – The 40th Annual Sunfest attracted record crowds last weekend in Ocean City with spectacular weather topping the list of reasons why. Sunfest was held last weekend, Sept. 18-21, featuring nearly 300 vendors along with live music, hayrides on the beach and a wide and delicious offering of food. Additionally, for the anniversary event, a fireworks display was held as well as the Beach Lights program. The event, … READ MORE...READ POST.

Between The Lines

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 25, 2014
Like it or not, the H2Oi event has become a major force on the Ocean City area’s special events calendar. While not an official sanctioned event in the town, there is little question this one-time small event now rivals some of the larger vehicle events held in the area, such as Cruisin’, Jeep Week and Bike Week. Each of these events bring their own set of issues, but largely … READ MORE...READ POST.

Major Channel Dredging Project Underway In Bays; Goal To Reach Six-Foot Depth

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 25, 2014
OCEAN CITY — The federal Army Corps of Engineers this week began staging for a major maintenance dredging project for navigation channels in the Isle of Wight and Sinepuxent bays with hundreds of thousands of cubic yards of dredged material intended to be spread at various important ecological sites in and around the resort area. The massive project is part of the Army Corps’ routine maintenance of the federal … READ MORE...READ POST.

Ocean City Better Prepared This Year For Car Rally; Police, Promoter Working Together

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 25, 2014
OCEAN CITY – As the bugs make their way into town for the annual H20i event, the Ocean City Police Department is preparing to control crowds by partnering with private properties and continuing to keep a working relationship with the event organizer. The 17th Annual H20 International (H20i) event is a two-day VW/Audi rally that will be held this weekend at Fort Whaley Campground off Route 50 where, according … READ MORE...READ POST.

Music Festival Promoter Seeks To Clear Air About Event

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, September 24, 2014
BERLIN — The organizers of this month’s music festival near Berlin defended the event this week after an article last week and an ongoing dispute over the treatment of one band. Taking place from Thursday, Sept. 11 through Saturday, Sept. 13, the Soundwave Music Festival, produced by Airlift Entertainment, was hosted at Airlift Acres, a 50-acre field north of Berlin and featured a lineup of tribute and original rock … READ MORE...READ POST.

Wine on the Beach Brings Local Wines & Vendors to Ocean City this Weekend

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, September 24, 2014
We bid a bittersweet farewell to the summer of 2014 earlier this week and we may have shed a tear or two as the colder weather took a tight grip on the Eastern Shore. Fortunately for us, another fall staple is right around the corner to cheer us up and prime us for fall. Wine on the Beach, located literally right ON the beach, is something locals and tourists … READ MORE...READ POST.

Sunfest’s Anniversary Edition Attendance Up 25%

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, September 24, 2014
If it seemed like Sunfest weekend was more crowded than usual in the resort area, it’s because it was, as the Town of Ocean City confirmed this morning the 40th Annual Sunfest was attended by 234,474 people, representing a 25% increase over last year and significantly higher than the five-year average of 175,299. Ocean City Special Events Director Frank Miller said the anniversary event recorded, “the largest attendance in … READ MORE...READ POST.

Seagull Century Returns to the Eastern Shore Saturday

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Seagull Century is a staple here on the Eastern Shore, each year thousands of cyclists invade, bringing with them family, friends and (obviously) their bikes. On Saturday, September 27th, more than 6,000 cyclists are expected to descend upon the college town as well as surrounding areas to participate in Salisbury University’s 26th Seagull Century bike ride across our beautiful lower Eastern Shore. (GO GULLS!!) There are two 100-mile routes … READ MORE...READ POST.

ShoreBilly’s Swill: Parenting Your Way Through Peanut Butter and Mullets

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, September 23, 2014
When last we chatted, I was walking you through some of the events that took place last week. True to form, I ran out of space before I had finished, so I’ll pick up right where I left off. Upon completion of last week’s column, my 2-year-old was the proud new owner of a ‘she mullet’ courtesy of her aspiring beautician 3-year-old sister. I had just made the discovery … READ MORE...READ POST.

Weekend Happenings: Bidding September Farewell with Oysters, Craft Beer, Chili and Cycling

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, September 23, 2014
We are having a hard time believing this week is the first “official” first day of fall AND the last weekend of September. How is October next week?! It’s bittersweet – beach days are done and now we will really pull out the sweaters – ohhhh September is such a tease. Our little beach town has a strange way of transitioning… September 29th its 80 and you’re wearing shorts, … READ MORE...READ POST.

Skate Deck Art Show Benefits Salisbury Skate Park

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, September 22, 2014
Salisbury’s 3rd Friday event was full of smiling faces, unique vendors, food and entertainment, and while we enjoyed the 3rd Friday festivities, we were eager to stop in the Tony Weeg Photography studio for the Skate Deck Art Show. The event was a huge hit, with crowds pouring in to get a glimpse of the unique array of artwork on the walls. Local and visiting artists contributed to the … READ MORE...READ POST.

Highlights from the 22nd Annual Berlin Fiddler’s Convention

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, September 22, 2014
All we can say about this past weekend is….WOW. Between strolling along Main Street in Salisbury for 3rd Friday, checking out the Skate Deck Art Show, reveling in the 40th Annual Sunfest in Ocean City, and toe-tapping in Berlin for three days of the Fiddler’s Convention, we sure are worn out! But we aren’t complaining, that’s what we love about fall on the Eastern Shore! The Fiddler’s Convention is … READ MORE...READ POST.

Art League of Ocean City Announces “Sisters” Exhibit at Ocean City Arts Center

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, September 22, 2014
The bond between siblings can be a strong, enduring and, sometimes, mysterious affair. To showcase such a bond on an artistic level can be a thing of beauty. In the Art League of Ocean City’s October special exhibit, “Symbiosis: Sisters, Muses, Mentors,” Deb Rolig of Snow Hill and Diane (Dee) Gray of Lewes, Delaware, are joining forces to share with us their familial artistic sensibilities – the ties and talent … READ MORE...READ POST.

Running with the Seasons: Fall Events at OC Tri-Running

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, September 19, 2014
As the weather cools off, you can find more and more of our locals running the boardwalk, taking advantage of our many nature trails, and lining up outside the gym door before exercise classes. With the hustle and bustle of summer over, we can finally get back to a regular workout routine. Milder temperatures also set the stage for the perfect running weather, making way for the return of … READ MORE...READ POST.

Construction On New Beach Patrol Building Begins; Mayor Says, ‘This Is A Big Day In Ocean City’

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 18, 2014
OCEAN CITY – City officials gathered this morning with city staff and members of the Ocean City Development Corporation (OCDC) to break ground to begin construction for the new Ocean City Beach Patrol (OCBP) headquarters. The new three-story building will be located at the corner of Talbot St. and South Philadelphia Ave., which is directly across the street from its existing location. OCBP HQ will represent a traditional Ocean … READ MORE...READ POST.

Things To Do Around Town

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 18, 2014
Every Sunday: Morning Worship 8:30 a.m., contemporary; 10 a.m., traditional, Atlantic United Methodist Church, 105 4th St., O.C. For more info, 410-289-7430.   Every Sunday: Morning Worship 8 a.m. & 11 a.m., Traditional Worship; 9:30 a.m., Contemporary Worship; St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, E.L.C.A, 10301 Coastal Hwy., O.C. For more info, 410-524-7474.   Every Monday Through October: Historic St. Martin’s Church Museum Open 1-4 p.m., 11413 Worcester Hwy., Show-ell. For …...READ POST.

Seahawks Fall Despite Late Rally

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 18, 2014
BERLIN- Stephen Decatur’s varsity football team lost its second straight to start the season last weekend, falling, 56-41, to Queen Anne’s despite a late charge at a comeback attempt. The Seahawks narrowly lost to Indian River two weeks ago in its season opener after falling behind early and mounting a late attempt at a comeback. It was a pattern that repeated itself somewhat last week in the 56-41 loss … READ MORE...READ POST.

Sunfest Kite Festival Returns To OC This Weekend

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 18, 2014
OCEAN CITY — Residents and visitors are invited to see the skyline of Ocean City explode with color at this weekend’s Sunfest Kite Festival, which kicked off yesterday and runs through Sunday, Sept. 21 on the Boardwalk. The world-class is celebrating its 37th year. All are welcome to witness and participate in general kite flying, kite flying games, Bol races, candy drops, sport kite demonstrations and just plain kite … READ MORE...READ POST.

A Week In Business

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 18, 2014
Construction on the new Delmarva Health Pavilion Ocean Pines on Route 589 is expected to begin next week. Submitted Rending Health Pavilion Planned OCEAN PINES — Peninsula Regional Medical Center (PRMC), in cooperation with Gillis Gilkerson, a Delmarva development firm, announced this week it will continue to expand and advance regional healthcare services in the Ocean Pines area. Gillis Gilkerson will break ground for a new medical complex, the … READ MORE...READ POST.

Decatur Boys Break Through For 1st Win

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 18, 2014
BERLIN- Stephen Decatur’s boys’ varsity soccer team got in the win column this week, knocking off visiting Mardela, 2-0, on Monday to improve to 1-2 on the young season. The Seahawks dropped their first two contests of the season in close fashion, falling to North Caroline on the road, 2-1, and Pocomoke on the road, also by a score of 2-1. For much of Monday’s home opener on Monday … READ MORE...READ POST.

Only One Of Three Off-Sale Liquor Applications Granted

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 18, 2014
SNOW HILL — Continuing a trend of private businesses seeking off-sale liquor privileges in Worcester County, three separate entities attempted to upgrade their licenses this month, but only one was approved. Town Market Basket in Snow Hill was successful with both Raceway Citgo in Berlin and OC Dollar Store in Ocean City being denied upgrades by the Board of License Commissioners (BLC). This was Town Market Basket’s second attempt … READ MORE...READ POST.

“Tough Guy of the Week”

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 18, 2014
This week’s Atlantic Physical Therapy “Tough Guy of the Week” award went to Ernest Shockley for his strong play in a 56-41 loss to Queen Anne’s last Friday. Pictured above is Shockley (center) with Coach Bob Knox (left) and ATP President and CEO Bob Hammond along with son Matthew Hammond (right).   Submitted photo...READ POST.

What’s Your Sign?

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 18, 2014
ARIES (March 21 to April 19): An offer to help with a stalled project should reassure you that you have a workable plan in spite of the problems in getting it up and running. The week’s end brings more positive news. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20): A past problem about a workplace situation re-emerges early in the week. Talking things out helps ease tensions by midweek, but some … READ MORE...READ POST.

Crab Bag Site Plan Approval Extended

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 18, 2014
OCEAN CITY – The Crab Bag’s approval to raze the building immediately to the north of the restaurant and add to the existing operation was extended this week for two years. Nolen Graves of OC Crab Bag LLC came before the Planning and Zoning Commission to ask for an extended approval of a site plan that called for an expanded restaurant, pavilion and parking facilities. In April 2013, the … READ MORE...READ POST.

The Historic St. Martin’s Church Welcomes Fall with the Oyster Feast of St. Martin’s

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 18, 2014
The Historic St. Martins’ Church is an icon to us here at ShoreBread and to our local community. We can’t help but think that if it wasn’t there, then getting off the exit on Route 113 would be WAY different. That’s why the Historic St. Martins’ Church foundation has spent countless hours making sure this beautiful building is in tip-top shape, striving to ensure that the historic structure is … READ MORE...READ POST.

Community Rallies For Family Displaced By House Fire

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 18, 2014
OCEAN PINES — A residential fire in Ocean Pines last Friday severely damaged a house, destroyed its contents and displaced a young family of six, spurring the local community to rally for neighbors in need. Around 7 p.m. last Friday, the Ocean Pines and Showell Fire Departments were dispatched to a reported residential fire on Frigate Run in Ocean Pines. First-responding units quickly called for backup from the Berlin … READ MORE...READ POST.

George’s Bloody Mary Mix: Local Flavor on the Rise

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, September 17, 2014
“Being a bartender… Greg’s main complaint from patrons in the restaurant business was that the Bloody Mary’s were always inconsistent,” said Theda Bakis, one of the founders of George’s Bloody Mary Mix. “Either the mix was too bland or too much, so he basically took the reins and developed a recipe, the idea behind it was being a bartender and hearing customer concerns first hand, we really wanted something … READ MORE...READ POST.

Charitable Kayak Journey From Fenwick To Baltimore Underway In Honor Of ‘Scunny’

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, September 17, 2014
OCEAN CITY — Amid a rather gray start to the day and persistent showers, a hearty group of bartenders and other friends from the Baltimore area set out on a 175-mile kayak trip from Ocean City to Baltimore early Tuesday morning on a journey to recreate the legacy of a popular Baltimore restaurateur who perished in a tragic accident in Ocean City two years ago. For the second straight … READ MORE...READ POST.

Behind the Scenes at Sunfest: Ocean City’s Hardworking Maintenance Department

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Each and every year, when the month of August wraps up, the employees of the Town of Ocean City get ready for their “serious busy season.” Don’t get us wrong, the Maintenance Department for the town has their hands full all spring and summer long, keeping our beaches and boardwalks in pristine shape but the month of September is clearly where these hard workers shine. ShoreBread was lucky enough … READ MORE...READ POST.

ShoreBilly’s Swill: From Behind the Bar to the Grappling with a 3-Year-Old Barber

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, September 16, 2014
I’ve mentioned countless times that this column often just writes itself for me. This week is one of those times. Between my job as a bartender and my home life raising a houseful of kids, I am never suffering for a lack of material. So rather than dig too deep, or try to come up with a theme, I’m simply going to walk you through a handful of the … READ MORE...READ POST.

Weekend Happenings: Fiddlers, Crafts, Concerts, Art Shows and More Dominate Delmarva!

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, September 16, 2014
This morning was a chilly 50 degrees when we reluctantly crawled out of bed… BRRR! Down here on the Eastern Shore it doesn’t take long for the weather to take a sharp turn. Weren’t we just lying out on the beach last weekend? Fortunately for us, with the chilly weather comes fall related activities and they are plentiful this weekend. Some of the best folk musicians are heading to … READ MORE...READ POST.

OC’s Sunfest Kicks Off Thursday; Fireworks Planned To Celebrate 40th Year

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, September 16, 2014
OCEAN CITY — Sunfest, which recently ranked number one on Sunshine Artist Magazine’s annual 200 best shows list for 2014, will celebrate its 40th year next week as it takes over the Inlet Lot and beach. Set for Thursday-Sunday, Sept. 18-21, the town kicks off its “second season” with four days of music, food, arts, crafts and just plain fun. Admission to Sunfest is free. Earning the top spot … READ MORE...READ POST.

Construction On New Ocean City Beach Patrol Home Begins

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, September 15, 2014
OCEAN CITY – City officials gathered this morning with city staff and members of the Ocean City Development Corporation (OCDC) to break ground to begin construction for the new Ocean City Beach Patrol (OCBP) headquarters. The new three-story building will be located at the corner of Talbot St. and South Philadelphia Ave., which is directly across the street from its existing location. OCBP HQ will represent a traditional Ocean … READ MORE...READ POST.

Exploring Heritage Shores Golf Club and Community

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, September 15, 2014
The Eastern Shore boasts many, many beautiful golf courses up and down the coastline. Recently, ShoreBread took a quick trip to Bridgeville, Delaware to check out Heritage Shores Golf Club, and we were immediately impressed with how well-kept the grounds, the golf course, the houses and especially the club house are. Perfectly kept landscaping, a tight knit community, and a top notch club house complete with two dining options … READ MORE...READ POST.

10th Anniversary Sand Castle Home Tour Sept. 18 & 19

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, September 15, 2014
Want an insider’s look at some of the area’s coolest houses? Like to decorate or looking for new ideas for your own home? Want to spend a fun day and kick off Sunfest weekend while supporting the local arts community? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, the Art League of Ocean City has a fun adventure for you. The 10th Anniversary Sand Castle Home Tour takes … READ MORE...READ POST.

Brous Earns First “Tough Guy” Award

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 11, 2014
BERLIN- The first Atlantic Physical Therapy “Tough Guy of the Week” award for the Stephen Decatur varsity football team’s 2014 season went to Dryden Brous, who played an exception game in a 28-21 loss in the season opener to Indian River. Brous, who plays both offense and defense for the Seahawks, scored the team’s first touchdown on a seven-yard run to cut the Indians’ lead to 14-7 in the … READ MORE...READ POST.

Fifth Grade Student Helps First And Second Grade Students On The First Day Of School

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 11, 2014
Kate Conaway, a fifth grade student at Worcester Prep, helps first and second grade students on the first day of school, from left, Stephen Carullo, Lena Parker, Olivia Conaway, Carter Lehman and Olivia Conaway....READ POST.

What’s Your Sign?

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 11, 2014
ARIES (March 21 to April 19): It might not be wise to pursue goals involving others, unless you can stop impulsively rejecting new ideas. Either open your mind or wait until next week, when this “ornery” mood passes. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20): It’s a good time for the Bovine to be creative and practical for yourself and your surroundings. Shop wisely, not impulsively, and keep your Bull’s … READ MORE...READ POST.

Decatur Girls Start Season With 2-0 Mark

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 11, 2014
BERLIN- Stephen Decatur’s girls’ varsity soccer team got its 2014 campaign off to a fast start with a pair of victories over Bayside North foes to start the year with a 2-0 record. In the season opener last Friday at home, the Seahawks edged visiting Easton, 1-0, in a tight, well-played game. Both teams had early opportunities to score, but the game remained tied, 0-0, at the half. About … READ MORE...READ POST.

Worcester County Volunteer Spirit Awards Presented

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 11, 2014
Worcester County Volunteer Spirit Awards were recently presented to 12 outstanding men and women. Two from Ocean Pines-based Star Charities were among those honored. Pictured, from left, are Star Charities President Anna Foultz, honoree Star Charities volunteer Nancy Engelke, Worcester County Commissioner Bud Church, honoree Sharon Sorrentino and program Director Kelly Brinkle....READ POST.

Berlin Trail Network Effort Gets Boost With $30K State Grant

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 11, 2014
BERLIN — The State of Maryland announced $2.3 million in Bikeway Program grants this week, including a $30,000 slice to go toward Berlin’s planned Walkable, Bikeable trail network. The grant will be used to fund preliminary engineering work, and supporters of Walkable, Bikeable consider the money a solid foundation to build from. The goal is to connect Berlin to Assateague and several surrounding areas with a trail system that … READ MORE...READ POST.

Voices From The Readers

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 11, 2014
Lohmeyer Memories Editor: The reprint of the 2005 interview by Shawn Soper with The Dispatch founder Dick Lohmeyer in the Aug. 29 issue was pure joy to read. Dick was one of a kind. I worked for him as a reporter and then editor of the Maryland Coast Press during the mid-70s, when Mayor Harry Kelley was, indeed, the paper’s nemesis. We dueled with the mayor almost weekly, with … READ MORE...READ POST.

Salisbury Council Agrees On Five-District Format

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 11, 2014
SALISBURY – After three years of mapping, the Salisbury City Council approved moving to five municipal election districts starting next year. The council held a public hearing this week in considering adopting a resolution that would amend the City Charter to create five new election districts to replace the existing two election districts. One council member would be elected from each district. According to City Administrator Tom Stevenson, the … READ MORE...READ POST.

Worcester Requests State Investigate Liquor Wholesaler For Alleged Unfair Trade Practices

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 11, 2014
SNOW HILL — In the latest chapter of the county’s ongoing and longtime liquor distribution history, Worcester County has requested a state investigation into alleged unfair trade practices by a major wholesaler. According to a letter sent to Field Enforcement Division Director Jeffrey A. Kelly, county attorney Sonny Bloxom is requesting an investigation into what the county’s Department of Liquor Control (DLC) believes was an unfair trade practice and … READ MORE...READ POST.

Probation, Fine For Route 50 Bridge Rollover

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 11, 2014
OCEAN CITY — A Princess Anne woman who rolled her vehicle at the base of the Route 50 bridge in Ocean City on July 20, closing the westbound lanes of the span for over an hour and snarling traffic in the downtown area, pleaded guilty this week to driving under the influence per se and was granted probation before judgment and fined $500. Around 5:30 p.m. on Sunday, July … READ MORE...READ POST.

Day Trippin’ – Oxford and the Combsberry Inn

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 11, 2014
Located roughly halfway between Ocean City and Baltimore lies one of Maryland’s most charming towns… Oxford. Even the name sounds adorable, and with charming, tree-lined streets, cobblestone sidewalks, waterfront homes and a population of less than 1000, Oxford truly is one of a kind. The town has a special place in our hearts because of its true small town charm. Unlike other waterfront towns that have been taken over … READ MORE...READ POST.

Berlin’s Church Mouse Thrift Shop Makes Big Impact on Local Community

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 11, 2014
Tucked away in a tiny shop along Main Street in Historic Downtown Berlin you’ll find the Church Mouse Thrift Shop. However, it’s more than just your standard thrift shop. With over 50 years of deeply rooted history in the local community, a strong connection to the St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, and countless hours and funding dedicated to various fundraisers and community non-profits, the Church Mouse is what we consider … READ MORE...READ POST.

Weekend Happenings: September 12-14

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, September 10, 2014
It’s technically still summer, but we are definitely starting to feel the change in the temperature and we admittedly love and embrace it. This weekend is full of fun, sunshine and yep, you guessed it… motorcycles. Get ready to hear the rumbling of engines,  lines at Dumsers crowding out onto Rt. 50 and longer than normal wait times at restaurants. For 2 days, it will feel like a summer … READ MORE...READ POST.

Utility Plans Major Pole Project On Route 50; $43M Effort To Start Next Month

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, September 10, 2014
BERLIN — In a project similar to what occurred last fall in Ocean City, a large scale transition from wooden utility poles to metal will begin in Worcester County next month. The upgrade will take place over a nine-mile, 69,000-volt transmission line that stretches from Berlin to Ocean City. It will take about eight months and cause at least one, albeit short, planned power outage. Roughly 150, 45- to … READ MORE...READ POST.

Poplar Hill Mansion Holds Annual End of Summer Tea Sept. 11

Posted by Shorebread | Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Whenever someone drinks hot tea, they are unknowingly sampling a commodity that has a story spanning centuries. From ancient China, to Colonial Europe to today, this drink has been well loved and bartered. If you are a tea drinker and would like to experience a piece of history on the timeline of tea, head to Poplar Hill Mansion Thursday September 11 at 11:30 a.m. “We wanted to host a … READ MORE...READ POST.

County Seeks State Probe Of Liquor Wholesaler; Comptroller Asked To Investigate Unfair Trade Practices

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, September 09, 2014
SNOW HILL — In the latest chapter of the county’s ongoing and longtime liquor distribution history, Worcester County has requested a state investigation into alleged unfair trade practices by a major wholesaler. According to a letter sent to Field Enforcement Division Director Jeffrey A. Kelly, county attorney Sonny Bloxom is requesting an investigation into what the county’s Department of Liquor Control (DLC) believes was an unfair trade practice and … READ MORE...READ POST.

ShoreBilly’s Swill: Celebrating Three Years of Syd!

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, September 09, 2014
Locally, we are undergoing the annual switch from the peak season to the off-season; however, this year has been a little bit more complicated and awkward for me than most. You’d think that since this is the 26th time I’ve endured the summer to fall morph, I’d have it nailed down by now, but that’s just not the case. I think it’s a myriad of odd circumstances making this … READ MORE...READ POST.

Local Community to Celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month with Inaugural Brews for Boobs Events

Posted by Shorebread | Tuesday, September 09, 2014
If there is one thing our community does exceptionally well it’s coming together for great, honorable causes. Whether we are banding together to help raise money for community members battling cancer or supporting terrific causes, our local communities do a fantastic job of looking after their own. Brews for Boobs is no exception, as the inaugural string of events aims to get the local community involved in Breast Cancer … READ MORE...READ POST.

ShoreBread Goes Behind the Scenes with Popular Bluegrass Band, Drymill Road

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, September 08, 2014
One of our favorite things about the Eastern Shore is the predominance of quality, live music that pervades our local towns. Whether it’s original music or funky cover bands, pop hits or country classics, there’s a tune for every musical liking. We’re always eager to get behind the scenes with local and visiting artists to learn more about the geniuses behind the microphones. We were thrilled then when we … READ MORE...READ POST.

Fall Fun on the Eastern Shore: ShoreBread Favorites

Posted by Shorebread | Monday, September 08, 2014
Here on the Eastern Shore, fall is a time to completely and totally indulge in outdoor activities. Yes you heard that right; we’re talking bonfires, beach picnics, fishing on the Rt. 50 Bridge and crisp morning walks. We love the feeling September, October and November give us and each year we try and take full advantage of the perfect temperatures, warm sunshine and colorful mums. This year is no … READ MORE...READ POST.

Farm Foodie Fitness: Garden Fresh Zucchini & Feta Salad

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, September 05, 2014
August tends to be the month where we get inundated with summer veggies, an influx of tomatoes, eggplant, squash and of course zucchini! I love zucchini! I love it more when it’s still raw! It has the perfect crunch, perfect for salads and slaws. So if you have a ton of zucc in the garden after last month, grab my garden fresh zucchini salad with feta and enjoy the … READ MORE...READ POST.

Berlin Gears Up for the 22nd Annual Fiddlers Convention!

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, September 05, 2014
Each year, America’s Coolest Small Town hosts the Fiddler’s Convention  – easily the town’s (and ShoreBread’s) most popular fall event. So what makes it so special? Its 3 full days of pure, bluegrass music. Packed with musical talent of all ages, the Town of Berlin transforms into a bluegrass haven. Our favorite little town will undergo a folk music frenzy, complete with some of the best food around, orange … READ MORE...READ POST.

Pocomoke Celebrates the Changing Seasons with Pocomoketoberfest Saturday

Posted by Shorebread | Friday, September 05, 2014
Although leaves on the trees are not yet falling to the ground or changing colors and while there is definitely no chill in the air, ShoreBread is ready to head out to the season’s first Octoberfest event at Pocomoketoberfest this weekend! From 12:00-6:00 p.m. on Saturday September, 6 Pocomoke City’s Cypress Park will be teeming with fun activities. Since this is an Octoberfest-style event, the main attractions will center … READ MORE...READ POST.

More Enforcing Of Rental Regs Sought In OC; Planning Commission, Council To Discuss Rentals

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 04, 2014
OCEAN CITY – Although a formal recommendation to the Mayor and City Council was not a result of this week’s Planning and Zoning Commission’s deliberation over rental issues in Ocean City, a list of goals was formed as the commission looks forward to an open discussion with the legislative body. The Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing last month to consider amending Ocean City’s Code in regards … READ MORE...READ POST.

New OC Sandfest Event Called ‘Very Successful’

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 04, 2014
OCEAN CITY – The inaugural OC Sandfest, a two-week event showcasing pieces of art along the Boardwalk, was deemed a success this week by event organizers. The Mayor and City Council along with Team Sandtastic and T.E.A.M Productions held the inaugural event of OC Sandfest the last two weeks of August. The sand breaking ceremony took place on the beach at North Division Street on the morning of Aug. … READ MORE...READ POST.

Solid White Marlin Bite During Labor Day Tourney

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 04, 2014
OCEAN CITY- Calm seas and a rather remarkable white marlin bite conspired last weekend for a highly successful 56th Annual Labor Day White Marlin Tournament for the Ocean City Marlin club and its participating boats. Throughout last week, the remnants of Tropical Storm Cristobal wreaked havoc inshore and offshore with rough seas and high winds, casting doubt over the Ocean City’s Marlin Club’s 56th Annual Labor Day White Marlin … READ MORE...READ POST.

Seahawks Hope For Repeat Of Last Year’s Opener

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 04, 2014
BERLIN- Stephen Decatur’s varsity football team opens the 2014 campaign tonight with a home game against Indian River and will attempt to duplicate a rare feat it accomplished against the Indians in the opener last year. In the season opener last year, the Seahawks beat Indian River, 30-28, for the first time ever after in the one-sided although typically very close rivalry with the Indians. Decatur will attempt to … READ MORE...READ POST.

2nd Annual Decatur Way 5K Date Set

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 04, 2014
BERLIN- The second annual Decatur Way 5K, benefiting Stephen Decatur High School and the Decatur Athletic Boosters, is set for Saturday, September 27 at the Berlin school. Produced by OC Tri Running, The Decatur Way 5K is a fun run open to runners of all ages and skill levels with the proceeds benefiting the high school and its athletic boosters. The course begins and ends at Decatur High School … READ MORE...READ POST.

Community Foundation Of The Eastern Shore Awards $1,750 Grant To SSACC

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 04, 2014
The Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore awarded a $1,750 grant to the Salisbury Substance Abuse Community Center (SSACC) to provide laptops for the staff. Pictured, from left, are Katarina Ennerfelt, President, SSACC; Linda Hutchinson, SSACC Board member; Bob Cook, SSACC Board member; Katie Kissinger, SSACC staff member; BJ Summers, Director, Development & Philanthropic Services, Community Foundation; Tracy Gregory and Betty Hartman, SSACC staff members; and Doug Wilson, President/CEO,...READ POST.

OC’s Performing Arts Center Completion Date Pushed Back Slightly

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 04, 2014
OCEAN CITY – The construction of the new Performing Arts Center at the Roland E. Powell Convention Center has made some headway over the summer as crews are entering into the final phase of the project to be completed by mid-to-late December. The Dispatch last checked in with the progress of the new state-of-the-art, 1,200-seat, two-tiered facility inside the convention center in March. At that time, construction was on … READ MORE...READ POST.

Salisbury Cuts Five Downtown Parking Meters

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 04, 2014
SALISBURY — Salisbury’s downtown will be losing five parking meters in front of 309 East Main Street to accommodate the State’s Attorney’s Office (SAO) re-location to that property. The City Council’s discussion on the prosecution office’s parking also involved taking a look at nearby Lot 10 and the city could consider reducing the price to park in the often underutilized lot sometime in the future. Now that the State’s … READ MORE...READ POST.

Program Gives Coastal Bays C+ Overall Grade

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 04, 2014
OCEAN CITY — The Maryland Coastal Bays Program released its annual report card for the estuaries in and around the resort area with an overall grade of C+, although some regions continued to do better than others and there are still reasons for concern. The comprehensive C+ score for the entire coastal bays watershed for 2013 was the same score assigned in the prior year. The MCBP report card … READ MORE...READ POST.

Fireworks Planned To Help Mark Sunfest Anniversary

Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, September 04, 2014
OCEAN CITY – The third summer of the OC Beach Lights series went off without a hitch, despite some cancelations due to wind, but the good news is the shows have been rescheduled to accompany the 40th anniversary of Sunfest next weekend. This summer T.E.A.M Productions’ weekly laser light show and fireworks displays returned to Ocean City for the third year in a row. Over the years the event’s … READ MORE...READ POST.
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