Things I Like
Posted by Shorebread | Thursday, March 13, 2014
Productive, fast meetings A big dose of Monday morning caffeine Youth athletes with good attitudes How much my boys love the Boardwalk Not owning an ashtray Getting Blackjack the hard way The vintage “Lite” cans When a referral turns into a sale for a friend Open-door policies When politicians are blunt Falling asleep quick at night

Introducing...ShoreBilly's Swill - ...more
Best Burgers on the Shore - A few of our favorite area...more
Home for the Holidays - While we complain about bad...more
Outside my Window - I don't care if it is foggy...more
Outside my Window - Good glorious morning! ...more
Nautical and Wildlife Art Festival & North American Craft Show - January 15 & 16, 2011: The...more
Free Family Fun: Outdoor Movie Schedules for Ocean City, Berlin, and Dewey - It’s no secret that we...more
Outside my Window - I think winter sunsets are...more
Outside my Window - Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...more